Om Field: When Words Fail


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Montclair, VA
Detroit* Lions 19, Washington Redskins 14 Credit and thanks to my friend Lanky Livingston at BGO

I saw this train wreck coming back in preseason. Great work by Lanky
I never thought I'd see it

The Bard has no words

Look what you've done to us danny............
I can't take credit for the artwork, I just found it on twitter. Sums up the game perfectly, lol.
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A picture really is worth 1000 words.

... or in Om's case, 5000. :p
A picture really is worth 1000 words.

... or in Om's case, 5000. :p


You know it's bad when Om is speechless.

The fans are :wall: and are ready to :rifle: Zorn, :behead: Danny and :hanged: Vinny for the :toilet: we're in. Some fans are proclaiming :end: , some are :furious2: , some are calling for :help: while others are ready to :anonymous: Meanwhile, the rest of the league is simply :rotflmao: at us. Our choices in dealing with this team are dwindling down to :pint: , :bigcry: or :ciao: while a stauch few decide to take a wait-and-see :munching_out: attitude. As for me, I'm hoping :xmas: can bring us a new HC who can :builder: us into a winner again. Until then, it's :thumbsdown: Send 'em to the Lions! :oops: too late. :nana:
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I guess we should all be thankful we're not Raiders fans.
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I guess we should all be thankful we're not Raiders fans.
Meh, not really. I've finally accepted that we really are Raiders East. Sure, Snyder isn't quite as bad as Al Davis. However the differences are so small as to be insignificant.

Sure, we'll probably win a few more games than the Raiders will over the next few years. However, that's more than balanced by the fact that Davis is playing hide-and-seek with the Grim Reaper already and actually knew what the heck he was doing at one point. Snyder OTOH will probably be our curse for many, many decades and unlike Davis with the Raiders, has brought our club zero Lombardies in order to have any rational basis upon which to think he actually knows what he's doing.

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