Om Field: Training Camp Ruminations - The Shanahan Dynamic


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
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Montclair, VA
July 29, 2010

You can't swing a fluffy unicorn these days without hitting a training camp preview, so rather than subject you to yet another round of position breakdowns and statistics, over the next few days I will be taking a look some issues and questions I see smoldering just beneath the surface.

Hey, you never know from whence the Next Big Story might come.

The Shanahan Dynamic

Next to the addition of a perennial Pro Bowl QB Donovan McNabb, the change at the top—the hiring of GM Bruce Allen and Head Coach Mike Shanahan—is the single biggest story in the Redskins universe.

Plenty has been written about the impact the future first-ballot Hall of Fame Head Coach will have on the team, and rightly so. There are some angles we hear very little about, however. The kinds of things it is easy to brush off here in the warm fuzzy glow of the honeymoon between coach, team and fans, but should surprise no one in retrospect if and when they come up over the coming months when the Shanahan Era record no longer sports a shiny "0" in the loss column.

Looking for monsters behind every tree? Perhaps.

A nod to the reality that even steely-eyed future Hall of Famers are, at the end of the day, human beings?

Definitely ...

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"Alexander Haig."


Very nice.
Great article. It raises some of the questions I had last year toward the end of the season when the Shanahan rumors started to fly. I like Shanahan and his no nonsense approach, but time will tell whether this was the right hire. I didn't believe he was, but as time goes on it appears he may bring a winner here soon.

I am a supporter of a coach that comes in and takes control. I believe the players have been given too much control, especially here in DC, and it is time the balance of power go back to where it belongs.

The difficult lies in the tact the coach uses to establish that control.

Edited: Wanted to keep this on track, my admiration of Al Haig should not derail this thread. LOL!
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Just havin' a little fun, brother El. No disrespect to the Haigster intended. :)

I think maybe I'm just excited the offseason is over!!
For the record, I didn't actually say how long can Mike resist working with McNabb, I simply asked the question will he? Small point of order. :)

My guess/hope is that he and Kyle and Donovan have spoken at length about that dynamic and there's a clear understanding of their respective roles. If they haven't, my hope is that Mike is deep enough into his career that even if he is tempted, his respect for the process and love for his son will trump any "oh man I want to get my hands on this guy" (if you'll excuse the expression) yen.

Another angle on that, of course, is that Kyle may ASK Mike to get involved. I know if it was me and MY Dad, and he was one of the best in the business at getting the most out of my QB, I'd be mining him for knowledge every damn day.

Here's to ego taking a back seat to wanting to win.

As to the Zorn/Cruise pic ... yes, I will do it for you brother. But I'm replacing it with something sure to raise Redskins fans' hackles just as much. I mean, I have to. :)
Just havin' a little fun, brother El. No disrespect to the Haigster intended. :)

I think maybe I'm just excited the offseason is over!!

Abso-freakin'-lutely, my eloquent (and gorgeously snarky!) friend. I've got a serious Jones goin' for some Skins football, especially now with all the changes that have happened.

Bring it on, Redskins!!

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