Om Field: Jason Campbell, Speed, Defense & Hope


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Montclair, VA
Some general, getting-back-in-the-saddle thoughts, heading into the second quarter of a dispiriting start to*the*2009 Redskins season:The game is still moving too fast for Redskins QB Jason Campbell. On the rare occasions he drops, reads and throws on rhythm, he’s pretty good—not Aikmanesque in accuracy, but certainly NFL caliber. Problem is, Jason doesn’t throw on rhythm very often.Whether

But mostly, what this observer has seen is the same thing that has been the case for the past few seasons—the NFL has long since figured out the Williams/Blache pass rushing scheme.

This was my thought last year when I saw that Gregg Williams' defense wasn't performing up to expectations in Jacksonville. However, this year New Orleans has 10 sacks and 10 interceptions as compared with 7 and 2 respectively for the Redskins. New Orleans seems to be able to generate pressure with the Gregg Williams scheme, but Washington can't. Maybe that's just a result of other teams playing from behind and New Orleans' defense being able to pin its ears back.

I'm still always amazed and frustrated by the ineffectiveness of our blitzes in generating pressure on the quarterback. Grrr.
Lots of good points here OM.

Who ultimately is to blame? Is it Zorn for trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, is it on Jason for just not getting it done, or Vinny/Dan for not getting another QB in to groom?

My vote goes to Vinny/Dan. I was pleased that we didn’t give up too much for Cutler or Sanchez, but I continue to be enraged that we never have meaningful draft picks to fill holes on this team. Sure we’ll bring an undrafted Daniels in for a look (and cut him), but wouldn’t it have been smarter to draft someone in the 2nd or 3rd round to develop? Oh that’s right; we didn’t HAVE a 2nd round pick last April, and we spent our 3rd rounder on a CB project. Granted, this was not a strong year for Quarterbacks but my point remains. We didn’t even give ourselves a chance to draft one because of foolish decisions we made the year before, which we had to make to cover for poor planning the year before that. Lather, rinse, repeat.

This, my friends, is the root of the problem.
As much as I am often the guy preaching that "defense wins football games", I do have a gut feeling that in this case OFFENSE will make our defense better, not the other way around. As you said, China, perhaps the NO defense is pinning their ears back having the luxury of playing from ahead most of the time.

I am so on board with getting Collins in as soon as possible. I, like you, Om, am reserving that 2%, but I'm not very confident. He's a good guy with some nice physical skills - enough to produce a good play every now and then (as he did in the 3rd quarter last week) - but he just doesn't seem to have gotten the NFL game yet. Time to move on. I truly feel that Collins, even with his lack of mobility, will suddenly make Zorn look a whole lot better.


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