I seem to have struck a nerve. So much for keeping it light on the "Daily" front.
Don't have time this morning to offer considered responses worthy of some of your posts, gentlemen, so if I may, a couple quick things to not leave the issue hanging:
1) for those capable of making the kind of intellectually engaged, articulate discussion points on a subjective, personal and emotional matter like this ... I hope it was clear that the original piece was not aimed at you. You're not the ones taking uninformed, follow-the-crowd potshots at Snyder at every opportunity without any regard at all to whether the man is a living, breathing, three-dimensional human being or the one-dimensional cartoon character he has been made out to be in many quarters.
2) "when it really matters" was a poor choice of words for me to use. To even begin to defend it now I would have to go down the moral equivalency road (3.5 million perhaps suddenly and in many cases terminally dispossessed Haitians "mattering more" on the tragedy scale than, say for example only, a couple dozen unfairly, rudely dismissed office workers) ... and that's just not a discussion I'm prepared to have over Dan Snyder. So my apologies for a lazy, unfortunate choice of words.
3) serv, you in particular seemed personally offended in that I somehow suggested you were disqualified from having an opinion on someone simply because you don't know him personally. I'd like to think what I wrote was somewhat less narrow and a
little more enlightened, but to the extent you walked away with that impression, rest assured I do not feel that way. You don't know me personally, and I suspect you have formed quite an opinion ... hopefully it's one that is not carved in granite this morning.