Old 'Skins Surfer washed ashore


The Cheerleader
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
Alma Mater
Hi everyone!

If it's OK with you I'd like to spend some time here and see how things fit. I've had various handles at a number of other Redskins based forums such as ES, CPND (both scout and US) and The Hogs. I still occasionally post over at ES as 50GutCheck but I turned in my spurs over at CPND as it seemed to be getting a little too...well, that's neither here nor there...

Right now I'm just another 'skins lunatic just looking for a cool place to hang out and talk about one of my favorite topics and based on some of the names I've already seen around here this could be that spot. Thanks in advance for leaving the door ajar!
Hail to the Redskins! Welcome aboard!
We're glad to have you brother. This is a great community. Think you'll find the conversation a little more reasoned and respectful here, but we'll let you be the judge of that :)

Stick around :cheers:
Welcome, I just came over for ES too. Posted on CPND but have not been there for a while. I use the same name on all the boards.
Welcome to the board.
Welcome to the fun. As per our tradition, you must also introduce yourself in the "Norm" thread (at the top) in the 5 O'Clock forum.


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