Old School: 1984 NFL Today


The Owner's Favorite
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Aug 4, 2009
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Featuring none other than John Riggins. :)


Stumbled across this and thought I'd share....
He posted that on his facebook page today. I love what Riggins did for us and some of his past exploits are classic, but today's John Riggins is self inflated.
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I vaguely remember that clip, chuckled at his "it depends on what's in the eggnog" when asked if the First Lady would be sitting on Santa's lap.

Thanks for putting up the clip.
Added to the BGO Video Vault :)
Wow! Brent Musberger, Irv Cross, Jimmy the Greek and Jane Kennedy. I liked that team back in the day. Wonder what they're doing now?
Wow! Brent Musberger, Irv Cross, Jimmy the Greek and Jane Kennedy. I liked that team back in the day. Wonder what they're doing now?

Brent was dismissed from CBS on April Fool's Day of 1990. He currently calls college football games with Kirk Herbstreit for ABC/ESPN.

Irv did NFL Today until 1989. He served as athletic director at Idaho State University from 1996 to 1998. After that he was the Director of Athletics at Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota until May 2006. He is now the CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota and is back to football commentary for Twin Cities Fox Broadcasting affiliate Fox 9.

Former Miss Ohio Jayne Kennedy, who replaced former Miss America Phyllis George in 1978, was replaced by George after the 1979 season. In July 1981 she became the first African American actress to grace the cover of Playboy magazine. She and husband Leon posed together for a non-nude pictorial in that same issue. In the early 1980s she produced exercise videos and was under contract with Coca-Cola to make commercials for Tab and Diet Coke. After divorcing Leon in 1982, one of the earliest examples of a "celebrity sex tape" surfaced showing her and Leon going at it. The tape was reportedly released to the public by Leon. In 1985 she married actor Bill Overton and had three daughters between 1985 and 1995. Since the 1990s, Kennedy has remained busy away from the limelight, spending more time with her family. For many years, she worked for the Children's Miracle Network, where she raised millions of dollars for several hospitals. She occasionally appears on various Christian Television Network shows.

Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder was dismissed by CBS Sports in January 1988, one day after making comments about black athletes being bred to be "naturally superior athletes" on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. He died of a heart attack in Las Vegas on April 21, 1996 at the age of 77.

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