Old friend passes...... Bubba9497

found it:

I left this over at IIWII
R.I.P. Bubba9497- The Redskins internet community lost a famous name a face last month when Bubba9497 passed at a very young age. I chatted with Bubba via ES on occasion since 2004 (when I joined ES) and Bubba was an interesting poster. He had a great wit, posted some great stories (he was one of the site's original newshounds) and just seemed to be a nice guy all around. He never got seriously caught up in flame wars over at ES and never really got involved in the stupid Ramsey vs. Brunell battles or Jason Campbell vs. Brunell, Todd Collins or Colt Brennan wars. You will be missed......
I just saw this over on ES today, and it breaks my heart. Never had any personal interaction with the man, but he was always the first to any breaking 'Skins news, and I respected what he did immensely.

Rest in peace, Bubba. You will always be remembered amongst Redskins fans...
Ya, I know...... I actually looked, and somehow missed it. Can ya do a merge for old time sake......

Oh - no biggie Pete - just thought you might want to see the other responses...
No biggie at all. In fact, I considered merging them last night but decided to leave this as many will look here without ever visiting The 5 O'Clock Club.

No worries.
Wow. Just freaking wow. :( Damn if that doesn't just suck.

I always loved giving Bubba the business for being a homer. Even though I didn't always deserve it, he always reacted with class and aplomb. He was a really good guy and we will truly miss him.
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The team did him good.

1) Art did a write up, published on redskins.com.

2) Matt Terl did a piece on him published in the team blog.

3) Matt Terl and Larry Michael mentioned his passing on Comcast SportsNet's Redskins Nation, broadcast on Monday night.

Plus, we dedicated the Breaking News Forum to Bubba, changing the name to Bubba9497's Redskins Breaking News

Makes me proud to be a Redskins Fan. :)
I think the one thing that stuck out about him (other than finally overtaking NavyDave's post count) was that he was about the last Spurrier homer on the board.

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