OK, where is it?

Hi, Sarge-good to hear from you brother. :)

The...uh....B**b thread?

Uh, well....

Google is evil, Sarge. :insane:
Ha! As soon as IU saw the thread title, I knew exactly what you were looking for! :laugh:

Google is da debil!
In the ultimate irony, you'll have to resort to Google for your boobage needs.
And the story behind that is...............

Unable to connect. Somebody has some splainin to do
Google ranks a site very low or de-indexes them if there is "suggestive" material on said site.
Yep. Google blacklisted us as a result of that thread. Hard to believe. I did push back with them and I think they even agreed with me but ultimately the only way to get off the naughty list was to get rid of it.
Google? Google? Huge supporters of Barack Obama and the homosexual agenda didn't like a boob thread? Oh wait, maybe i just answered my own question
Google? Google? Huge supporters of Barack Obama and the homosexual agenda didn't like a boob thread? Oh wait, maybe i just answered my own question

You need to get in the game day chat, someone is posting pics for you.

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