Official Game Day Thread: Redskins v Cowboys


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Jun 30, 2009
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Dallas we are.

Week 17.

Not since 1979 have Washington and Dallas met on the last weekend with the Division crown up for grabs. That's a lot of games and a lot of seasons, my friends.

Washington won in Dallas on Thanksgiving but Dallas leads the series by some 24 games.

You can throw all that out tonight though. All that matters is the "here" and the "now".

Both teams are banged up and hurting. That doesn't matter either.

Two teams enter. One team leaves.

Inside the stadium is primed just waiting for player announcements
Well, the kid had to miss one at some point
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My biggest fear is coming true after the TD that was gifted to Dallas on the no delay of game call 2 seconds after time expired. These mother****ers are going to try to steal this game from us. And there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.
Passing game is atrocious tonight
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Tony Romo cemented his December choking legacy tonight. One interception in December? Well, add three more to the total - including the third one which was a major blunder.

Awesome game plan by Jim Haslett. Simply awesome.
#HTTR! What an incredible night!
Goddamn I lovee some Alfred Morris and RG3!
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The receivers must have had big game jitters tonight the Garçon got a few
I don't even know what to say. I feel like two decades of misery were made right tonight.


Josh Wilson cracked one of Romos ribs

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