OF: Redskins 17, Eagles 12 - Let There Be Light


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
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Apr 11, 2009
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Montclair, VA
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Random short-form day-after reactions
to the mini-dramas that are Redskins games​

A few quick Monday morning thoughts:

Ø Why Bookies Wear Bling. At kickoff yesterday, I think it's fair to say 90-plus percent of Redskins fans and media had effectively written the stumbling, 1-2 team off. With the Eagles, Packers, Colts and Bears on tap, I suspect 75-plus percent would have bet even money the Redskins would emerge from that gauntlet 1-6. It's a damn good thing most of don't actually place bets.

Ø I've said it before, I'll say it again. Even at probably 80-90 percent of the player he was five years ago, quarterback Donovan McNabb is better by orders of magnitude than anyone the Redskins have had masquerading as a legitimate NFL quarterback for a very long time. McNabb is a professional NFL quarterback. He gives his team a chance to win, and he will win games for the Redskins with his arm, legs, brain and leadership.

The man is also going to get better. Maybe a lot better. Let him actually learn the offense (two years per Shanahan, remember?), get his legitimate left tackle back, maybe even have a legitimate number one wide receiver to throw to (anyone want to care to wager the team enters 2011 without one?), and apparently serious comments suggesting the man is just another Patrick Ramsey or Jason Campbell will be relegated to even the most cynical fans' dustbin.

And a few quick things we know:

Ø Coffee and breakfast tasted a whole lot better this morning than a week ago.

Ø The Redskins passing game will show flashes of Thunderbird brilliance. In the first half. In the second not so much...

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Why white at .500, you ask? Because this man's glass is always half full.

That's why we love ya, ya crazy bastard. :)
I'll take it. I wasn't crazy about it but I'll take it. Glad to see OF come back into the light. :claps:
My only argument with this is your assertion that the Skins will have a #1 WR by this time next year. My reply to that is if Moss isn't a #1 then the odds are the Skins won't have one, at least not one who other teams fear as such. My rationale for that is simple. Other teams won't let a true #1 go for less than a king's ransom (if at all) and so few guys make the jump from the college to pro at the position and have a great rookie season that drafting one is usually a multi year deal.

Combine that with the other holes the Skins have, the holes they may not have today but might have by end of season and the lack of 3rd and 4th round picks next season and I think we are stuck working with more of the same next year . . . in other words "Moss and those other guys" will still be doing the work. That is unless Armstrong wrestles the starting job from Galloway (very possible, in my opinion) or Thomas suddenly has that elusive "Ah Ha" moment we have been looking for him to have for over 2 seasons now.
Dunno, Neo. It's a long way off so I haven't studied the free agent pool likely to be available. Or gotten serious about who might be available around #30 in the draft. ;)

But I think about Anquan Boldin going to the Ravens for a reasonable (relatively speaking these days) FA contract, and TJ Hooshmunchedda joining him at the cost of zero picks and league minimum ... and they transformed their WR corps in one season.

If Shanahan/Allen think WR is THE missing link on the offense, I'm willing to place a gentleman's wager that come next opening day, there will be a new #1 option out wide.
Or we could draft one.

Sorry. Had to throw that in there. :)
You guys are hilarious. :)
wow i have no idea what the conversations are about anymore... maybe i should spend less time on this website... the reading material is harsh IMO...
Cool, I made the front page.

My comment was aimed at stating that I think it takes a lot more than class to be an elite QB in the NFL for the record.

Thanks for working that angle in though to make it appeal to your readers.
Chewy, for what it's worth, I believe you. But your comment didn't read the way you intended.
It's all good. The thread does however go on with a little more explanation as it gets going, and I think it's pretty clear what I was saying, or trying to say.

A link to the thread, and not only my comments and I would have had zero issue. I feel like my comments were taken out of context to fit your story is all.
Fair enough. Hadn't realized I linked to the post only. That's my bad and I've fixed it.

And anyway, you know us "media" types. We can't get **** right.

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