OF: GAMEDAY: Redskins vs Eagles Notes, Prediction


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Montclair, VA
If the Redskins hadn't overslept last week, and failed to realize they were in an NFL game until it was too late, previewing today's tilt against the Philadelphia Eagles would have been a different exercise.

We would have been discussing two hot, 2-1 teams vying for undisputed hold over first place in the NFC East.

We would have been solemnly parsing the million-and-one angles surrounding the quarterback matchup between returning prodigal (if adopted) son Donovan McNabb and the dogged reincarnation-in-progress that is Michael Vick.

We might have spent time pondering the possible passing of the title of Unofficial Best Head Coach in the division from incumbent heavyweight Andy Reid to legendary old welterweight Mike Shanahan.

As it stands however, with the Redskins' suddenly staggering defense set to face the hottest quarterback since Alexander exploited the Persians' too-deep zone in the 4th Century B.C., the focus of today's game is far simpler.

All the other angles are still out there of course. But as far as the Redskins are concerned, today is—or at least should be—simply about proving that last week against the supposedly hapless Rams was an anomaly. That is was a single unfortunate pothole along the road back to respectability. That is was one of those simultaneous hiccup/burp/fart deals.

Don't laugh—we all have 'em.

Win or lose, Washington needs to come out swinging this afternoon and play a respectable NFL game, forcing the Eagles to beat them rather than giving another game away with self-inflicted wounds and mistakes.

If they do that, those of us who care so damn much about the burgundy and gold can go back to projecting a strong(er) finish to the 2010 season and bright(er) future. If they mail it in however, or look disinterested, disorganized or just plain bad...

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Eh, Mark picked the Eagles. He receives an award - here it is...


In my blog, I did the same thing...

A couple of us had it right :)

Ordinarily, I'd keep quiet about it - but since you mentioned it....
A couple of us had it right :)

Ordinarily, I'd keep quiet about it - but since you mentioned it....

:claps: I went the wrong route as well but am very happy to have gotten it wrong.
I guess it's a good thing I am a homer then! :bucktooth:
My record picking the Skins so far this year: 1-3

Had the Dallas game right, been zigging instead of zagging ever since.

I'm picking Green Bay this week. :)

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