OF: Beck Fires Up Snark Machine


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Montclair, VA
You kinda expect it from the Washington Post. It's what they do.

With the Shanahans apparently determined to promote the former third-stringer, one thought comes to mind: For their sake, this had better work.

And it's predictable catch-a-wave content for the average blog:

The man who is certain to take over as the team’s starting quarterback by sheer force of positive will has enlisted the help of a friend whose job it is to record the proceedings. Because John Beck is a LEADER OF MEN, and filming fake practices screams of leadership and other intangible qualities that will make the Shanahan duo swoon.

You'd be shocked at anything BUT from the standard-issue know-it-all element on sportstalk radio and the web (no quotes necessary—if you're a Skins fan you've heard 'em, made 'em or both)...

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Yeah, this may be the longest off-season I have experienced in a long time. Thank God for 24 hour news cycles, huh?
notice how no mention has been made that review of the film has been hosted at Cooley's pad?

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