Nostalgia Movies


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
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Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
A friend of mine on Facebook posted that he had watched the Sandlot recently, and it got me thinking about movies that make me feel nostalgic. I came up with a few: Ferris Bueller, Field of Dreams (I know ALL of you cry at the end of that one, don't even try to deny it), Super 8 (weird I know, but the kids relationships really reminded me of growing up), Stand by Me, the Goonies, etc.

What are yours? What reminds you of growing up and makes you miss the bygone era?
A Star Is Born. 1954 with Judy Garland and James Mason. A classic that showcases Judy's true talents - the best voice of her era.
The Sandlot is my favorite "nostalgia" movie of all time, but HBO is running Big Fish right now. That movie gets me.

And as far as Field of Dreams goes, I have still never seen it.
sandlot...great choice! reminds me of wonder years which reminds me of my youth. where a BMX bike, some sporting equipment and a bunch of friends were all i ever needed to have fun for an entire day.

When you wouldn't come home until the sun went down and even then it was difficult to get you in the house.

Oh and Goal, I was expecting some sort of response because I never watched Field of Dreams, but Communist?

Alright, clown me if you want, but The Lion King. I saw it while I was in basic training. We didn't have off-post passes yet, but we were allowed to go to the chapel, eat pizza and watch movies a few times once we earned some privileges. That was my favorite.
Back To The Future. All three of them. I just can't ever get past them when I flip through the channels and any one of them are on. Another one that always gets me is Young Guns. The second one sucked, but I could watch the first one every day and never get sick of it.

And Renaissance Man with Danny DeVito, which was filmed at Ft. Jackson where I went to boot camp.
The original Indiana Jones trio and The Lost Boys will always remind me of summer camp.
clown you? brother, I went and saw it in 3D!! I just watched it on TV the other night and my roommates and I were all quoting it to each other. that movie is classic!

No lie, I was pretty ticked off when my kids didn't want to go see it in 3D. I tried every bribe I could think of! :laugh:
And Renaissance Man with Danny DeVito, which was filmed at Ft. Jackson where I went to boot camp.

Whenever that movie comes on I can't help but watch it to the end. It's one of Those Movies.

And I'm dead serious when I say this is one of my favorite deliveries of this speech, ever.

I have honestly never heard of 'Renaissance Man' - what is it?
It's actually not the greatest movie in the world. :)

It's about an out of work ad designer who grudgingly takes a job with the army teaching remedial english to soldiers, and finds he can connect with them through teaching Shakespeare. I honestly don't know why, but I watch it every time I stumble on it whilst surfing. Worth a look if you haven't seen it, but don't expect academy award-winning material.

Another one, for me, is That Thing You Do. Maybe because that little song is so damn catchy.
I saw That Thing You Do when it came out and I'm the same way. Probably watched it 100 times, but I'll still tune in if I am surfing and see it. It's actually the perfect little movie. Great characters, captures a time period perfectly, and a lot of fun.
I have honestly never heard of 'Renaissance Man' - what is it?

Its a movie about a guy teaching Shakespeare to soldiers in basic training. Its been awhile, and the plot is a little more in-depth than that, but that's the basic gist. He gets resistance from the old-school, hard-nosed drill sergeant, who thinks all soldiers need to learn is drills, drills, drills. etc.
I saw That Thing You Do when it came out and I'm the same way. Probably watched it 100 times, but I'll still tune in if I am surfing and see it. It's actually the perfect little movie. Great characters, captures a time period perfectly, and a lot of fun.

I LOVE this movie. The perfect little movie actually describes it quite well. It's been on tv a few times in the last couple weeks :)

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