No Skins Game on TV in SE VA this Weekend

You might try sending this link to the Redskins. They are the real reason this has happened. If they were playing better football and in contention for a playoff spot, the local TV station would carry the game because there would be some interest.

They aren't.

Since that is the fault of the team and the station is in business to get market share, they are going with a game they believe will provide them with that market share. While I understand your frustration, I can't blame them too much.
I can understand their reasoning, but still would rather see my team than Cowboys. Good idea about sending this to the team.
We'll be damn lucky if we don't have some blackouts next year. A lot of those empty seats in FedEx this year are probably not going to re-up. The danny better have a very low profile this off season and let his new team do the work, or a lot of season ticket holders are going to think "Same thing as the last ten years. I'm out"
Well, Snyder hired Allen and we will see if that results in a more orderly process of selecting and developing players.

As with the Caps in 2003 I think this club needs a major overhaul and not just retro-fit with 1 or 2 offensive linemen and a replacement for likely departing CB Carlos Rogers.

That means suffering through a 2010 season that may not yield that many more wins than 2009.

Folks need to be ready for 6-10 or 7-9 even with Shanahan aboard and a good draft in hand.

If this team is back in playoff contention in 2011 I think we will have done well.
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I'm pretty sure they have general admission (not premium, like Club) seats they didn't sell this year, waiting list or not. I know this, because I was called to upgrade after the first game. I declined because it was a move to the corner (I'm on the 15 to 20 yard line), though lower, but how could they offer me those seats if there weren't some unsold? They've also been offering seats on an individual basis each week, calling them "visiting team returns".

The upshot of this is that I'm pretty sure there will never be a blackout, as long as Dan Snyder pretends it's sold out and (more importantly) other teams get a cut of the gate receipt that is based on the "sellout".

In other words, I can't see a blackout any time soon.

No Redskins versus Chargers in Hampton Roads Sunday. Local Fox station has decided to carry Eagles versus Dallas instead.

This pisses me off. I've sent an email to Bruce Rader. Probably won't do any good, but least feel like I did something.

Could the OP change the thread title to be more descriptive???

Fox did this last year as well (threatened to show Cowboys/Eagles instead of Redskins/49ers) and I sent several angry e-mails. Eventually they decided to switch back to the Redskins game (I was in Williamsburg with my parents at the time).

I don't care what people personally think about the Redskins right now, it is completely and utterly embarrassing that our local stations are refusing to show our game.

When you live in VA, you should never have to go out of your way to see the Washington Redskins play on Sunday.

Even if you don't live in the area, could please e-mail Bruce/WAVY on our behalf :(
I hit the enter button before could finish typing in name of thread. My bad. Went online to vote for Redskin game over Dallas game. May not do any good, but as a life long diehard Skins fan just want to see my team regardless of how awful they are.
That means suffering through a 2010 season that may not yield that many more wins than 2009.

Folks need to be ready for 6-10 or 7-9 even with Shanahan aboard and a good draft in hand.
If it looks like the team is headed in the right direction, both in the FO and the coaching, I'd be ok with another bad season. I fully realize that rebuilding a bad team takes time. I just want to see clear signs that we're turning in the right direction. Now 2011 is a different matter. I want to see a solid competitor that's in every game and winning the majority.
2011 might be a bit soon.But like you said, as long as the team is going in the right direction (meaning having a plan and building on it, as well as seeing no signs of Madden/Snyder draft picks or multi-million dollar players that don't fit that plan) then might hang with the tickets
It would appear the game won't be shown in Richmond either. What a bunch of poop.
I sent an e-mail to Bruce Rader as well, but I doubt it's going to make any difference. Seems like the wording in the segment they have on WAVY's website is pretty concrete.

I'd rather watch the 'Skins lose than watch the game between division rivals.
It's all about $$ and local Fox stations believe Dallas vs Eagles will have larger viewing audience.

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