NFL Top Ten Rivalries: Skins/Cowboys #2


The Commissioner
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Alma Mater
Florida State
I gotta say I was surprised by this. I won't argue with the Steelers/Raiders but I think I would have put the Packers/Bears above them.

The surprise comes that they actually put Redskins/Cowboys that high. Not that I don't think it is deserved, but because they rarely get it right. As I was watching the countdown, I shook my head at a couple. Eagles/Giants?

Like I said, it was good to see them get it right with the Skins/Cowboys. This rivalry could have been #1, but I will take #2, especially since I remember those Steelers/Raiders games back in the 70's.
steelers raiders lost any relevance in the mid eighties and most of them stopped caring because it was too one sided for too long, anyone who doesnt think the skins cowboys is the number one rivalry in all sports needs their heads checked. Ive worn a redskins hoody in texas and you would have thought I shot the pope and anyone dumb enough to wear cowpies gear in Paddle prairie risks an actual beating.
The Steelers and Raiders don't even play each other that often since they are in different divisions and on separate coasts.

Skins/Boys will jump back up to #1 once we become relevant again.
That was obviously an 'over time' ranking, not currently. I'd have to put Colts-Patriots at the top currently. Pretty good list overall. I don't get the Eagles-Giants one particularly, firstly because the Eagles owned them for a decade+, and I don't know that there's anything more 'rivalry' there than there is for any other inter-division rival in the NFL?
I think you have to separate out the 'permanent' rivalries that transcend coaches or players such as Raiders/Chiefs or Redskins/Cowboys or Packers/Bears from the rivalries that are borne of contending teams that face each other for a period of 4-5 years but then dissipate once the cores age and the clubs are being rebuilt.

In this latter category, I would place the Raiders/Steelers, Cowboys/49ers, Patriots/Colts, etc.

These teams are not natural rivals. Has anyone from Dallas even thought about San Francisco in the past 10 years? :)


#1 HAS to be Bears/Packers. Redskins/Cowboys at #2 is right.

And if you are going to put short-term these-teams-just-happen-to-be-good-at-the-same-time rivalries on the list, I would have Cowboys/49ers, Cowboys/Steelers and Colts/Pats ahead of Raiders/Steelers. Easily.
I don't get the Eagles-Giants one particularly, firstly because the Eagles owned them for a decade+, and I don't know that there's anything more 'rivalry' there than there is for any other inter-division rival in the NFL?

Oh they hate each other pretty good Boone. I know a few Giants fans and it's more than your run-of-the-mill teams in the same division. I wasn't surprised to see that up there somewhere.

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