NFL Sunday Ticket Without Directv


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater
Just thought I'd share with my Geo-Challenged brothers and sisters.

Due to the location of my house and being surrounded by trees on 3 sides, I have never been able to get the Directv satellite signal. That has meant I could not get the traditional NFL Sunday Ticket service. I know lots of Redskins fans have this same dilemma (or may live in an apartment that won't allow satellite dishes).

Directv does offer NFL Sunday Ticket for laptops/pcs/portable devices, but trust me, they do not advertise it, and even if you were to go to the Directv website, you will not find it there. The price for NFL Sunday Ticket Online is steep ($350), but you do not have to have a Directv account or a TV package and you'll get every game and all the NFL Sunday Ticket functionality on your computer.

I did this last year, and it was fantastic - as without it, I'd miss a lot of games and would have no option beyond rooting around for bootleg sources on the web.

If anyone's interested, here's the link:
Whew, that's quite a penny!

I wish that the NFL, even through, would just let me pay $5 per game to stream it to my computer. You don't need to cut out commercials; I'll sit through those. It could literally just be the FOX/CBS/ESPN feed being directed to my computer for $5 a pop.

That'd make them a **** ton of money with very, very little cost.
How's the quality of the stream Henry? Is it good enough to run to a TV.
Game rewind is only $29.99 (don't know if its cheaper cause I already paid $9.99 for the preseason rewind)

Anybody know how long it takes the games to be uploaded to the server for the rewind? I usually do torrents, but traveling usually doesn't allow me to dl from hotels and such.

$350 is ridiculous. The internet feed is good, but its not $350 good.

EDIT: and the feed can be good on the tv, but you cant pause it and let it buffer if the signal faulters on the rewind platform. In fact I dont think it buffers at all, it picks whatever quality it wants or what it deems allowable. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
I just bought Game Rewind also - they say the 1 & 4pm games are usually up after the SNF game is over, or by 6am the next day. Except for SNF & MNF, that takes 24 hours they say. But those are nationwide, so not an issue, really.

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