NFL Pickem Results: Week 17


The Commissioner
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BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
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It's still a wide-open contest as we wrap up Week 17 of the BGO NFL Pickem Contest.

A 4 man logjam led the way in Week 17 with Coolbreeze, Jimbo, MisterPinstripe, and EatSleepRedskin all going 13-3. Neophyte, SNF, and Yusuf06 were close behind at 12-4.

With only the playoffs and Super Bowl remaining, Neophyte continues to lead the way at 178-66 (but remember, he's not eligible for contest prizes). Rounding out the remaining top 10 (any of whom still have a shot at being champion) are:

1. MisterPinstripe 177-77
2. Jimbo 176-88
3. servumtuum 175-79
4. Coolbreeze 173-81
5. Lanky Livingston 170-84
6. China 169-85
7. SNF 169-85
8. DMarple2 169-85
9. Yusuf06 168-86
10.bradysux360 167-87

Click HERE to view all Week 17 results.

Click HERE for total season standings after Week 17.
Man this is tight... Since there are only a few games in the playoffs there could be a lot of movement.
Sheesh, go away for a couple of weeks and I drop off the radar. I guess my advance picks weren't so stellar.
Wow! Absolutely amazing. I was pressed for time with the holidays and literally picked these games off the top of my head. I just knew I'd lost ground only to discover that I had one of, if not the best week of picks all season. Perhaps that's what I should've been doing all along. :twitch: :doh1:

It's also mildly surprising that the top ten is as close as it is-only 10 games separation. I figured that there would be two or three folks way out front with the rest struggling to keep them in view. Then again I was also certain I'd be one of those top three so I guess my judgment is suspect anyway. :)

So yet again, my opinion of the folks that frequent these parts has been confirmed. A very smart crew indeed.
Don't forget your picks for this weekend! Two games tomorrow and two on Sunday.

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