NFL Pickem - Preseason Week 3 Results


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater
Click HERE to view results from Preseason Week 3 of the BGO NFL Pickem Contest.

Congrats to LoyalSkinsFan, DMarple2, MissU28, and Elephant for being our top 4 finishers this week!

*Of note, 3 players, including yours truly were beaten by our random computer player, the infamous DC PC. Ouch.*

Click HERE to view NFL Pickem Preseason total results to date (remember - Preseason is for practice purposes only - only Regular and Post-season games will count for the actual contest).
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niiiiice.....i like comin' out on top 2 weeks in a row!!! Let's see if I can do it next week....
No offense, but I hope the results so far are as meaningless as the pre-season itself. Because, in a word, I'm sucking it :)

Here's to a role-reversal come money-time. :cheers:
No offense, but I hope the results so far are as meaningless as the pre-season itself. Because, in a word, I'm sucking it :)

Here's to a role-reversal come money-time. :cheers:

You want to know my secret?

I pick FOR teams I like, AGAINST teams I hate. I also think about.... "which of my friends like certain teams?" ...I'll pick them to root for them. Or...."who do I DISLIKE and what team do THEY like so I can pick against them?"

And I always pick the skins no matter what. Because any team can win on any given day, even if they are playing the Patriots. And they almost won.

But honestly, my picking has a lot to do with how the team did last year and also how I personally feel about the team and whether or not I want to root for them based on people I know who like them. :)
I just hope I haven't peaked too soon!
I suspect you're both on performance enhancing drugs.
I suspect you're both on performance enhancing drugs.

try it with your picks this week.....think, "hmm....what team does that idiot in the cubicle next to mine like?" then pick against that team. Then think, "hmmm.... what team tshirt was the sexy lady at the gym wearing?" then pick for that team.

See if it works.
Maybe I should revert to whether I like their uniform colors :)

Problem with picking in the pre-season is, teams aren't necessarily even trying to win - so trying to pick the best team isn't necessarily helpful. If I can't break .500 in the Regular season, there's just something horribly wrong ...
It is nice to see you came out on top a couple times MissU28, but the game is to win for the whole season. And for the whole pre-season I AM THE WINNER!! I've been humble for too long - now that we are playing for real, the kid gloves are off and I'm ready to roll.

Anyway - good luck to everyone during the season, although I really would like to win an authentic jersey. Next year the Campbell pro bowl jersey will be available!!!

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