[NFL Films] The Story of the 2012 Washington Redskins - Parts 1 and 2


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Anyone else ready to run through some walls listening to Fletch? Man alive. When he retires, get him on staff right away.
Part 2 is up and posted in the original post.

If a mod would be so kind as to take the 'Part 1' out of the thread title? :)

I figured it'd be a week or two or so between the parts...
Anyone else get chills? is this thing on? :)
Part 4 has been posted, which is the final part.
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If Fletch doesn't get you amped and want to climb the walls of your house in excitement, nothing will
Just watched the last one. I hate the Seachickens. I hate the fact that after that game they were running their mouths about making some sort of defensive adjustments, and that's why we didn't score after the First Q. Really jackasses? Cause we were tearing through your D like it was toilet paper before our QB got injured.

Can't wait for this season to start.
Yeah, I love how trent williams punched that ass in the face. I love trent...
Okay...so, I just started to watch the first segment of this......all I've seen so far is RGIII walking around the Superdome field prior to his first game in the NFL.....and a couple of random plays from the season. I've watched about 30 seconds only....and, already, I'm freaking STOKED for the new season!!!!

Every damn year I feel like this......this year, more than many in recent memory.

Good GOD I love this team.

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