Shop mistake: Vick jersey

The danny has him signed!!!!!!!!!!

The danny has him signed!!!!!!!

If no other source is correct, it looks as if the danny already has a money making jersey being cranked out in a sweatshop in Bangkok
my gosh...when was the last time we overpaid for a no talent free agent?

With the word ""Turnstile" being the most frequent and nicest adjective used to describe the O-Line so far this year, we're gonna need someone that can scramble and run for thier lives, as much as I hate it
With the word ""Turnstile" being the most frequent and nicest adjective used to describe the O-Line so far this year, we're gonna need someone that can scramble and run for thier lives, as much as I hate it

:help: I never thought about it that way, but you are right. And it is the Snyderatto way. Solve a weak Oline but signing a QB who can run like hell. Sounds like rationale logic that would come out of Ashburn.
Sarge I am shocked you are sticking up for Vick. what makes you think this guy can still run fast? old tapes? if that was the case we should bring back B Mitch to return kicks..

I'm not sticking up for him, I think he's a piece of ****. But I'll bet the danny has Vicks rookie card and some old tapes he's been watching;)
Strangely, the link to the NFL Shop in that piece purporting to link to the Skins Vick jersey leads to ... no such page found. And a "Vick" search at NFL Shop comes us empty as well.


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