News: Shanahan wants another head-coaching job, possibly as soon as 2010


Former Denver Broncos coach Mike Shanahan said Friday that he plans to coach again and that he had the opportunity to interview for head-coaching jobs for the 2009 season, but "it just didn't feel right at the time."

after living in colorado at the height of shanahan's genius, i have to say, his ship has sailed. if snyderatto decides to make yet another change at the helm in 2010, i hope they look elsewhere.
after living in colorado at the height of shanahan's genius, i have to say, his ship has sailed. if snyderatto decides to make yet another change at the helm in 2010, i hope they look elsewhere.

I know a guy who was a die-hard Broncos fan through high school and college, and actually stopped rooting for them because of Shanahan. He lost me when he started rooting for Dallas, but that's another story. Point is, Shanahan isn't worth it.
Does anybody think that Snyder would give up total control of the team to Shanahan or any other potential candidate. He had it in Marty and we see how that went down.
Does anybody think that Snyder would give up total control of the team to Shanahan or any other potential candidate. He had it in Marty and we see how that went down.

While I hear you and understand your point, convential thought is that if he did pull the trigger, it would be to hire the fomer coaches that did call all of the shots; Cowher, Shanny, Holmgrun (SP? - Walrus) etc.

A couple of potential outcomes:
1st - Zorn/Campbell kick butt despite having significant OL issues. What exactly 'kick butt' means (winning record, playoff appearance, playoff victory, Division title) is to be determined. For everybody involved this is obviously THE BEST possibility and what all fans will be rooting for.

Zorn/Campbell fail miserably and are kicked to the curb thereby generating a different set of possibilities:

2a - Zorn fired and Mr Snyder hires one of the aforementioned glory hires. The question then is will he relinqush control or not. I think he won't relinqush control for numerous reasons some legit and I think most of the super-coaches won't accept the job w/o full authority.

2b - That takes us to what are the next level of coaches available; Gruden, Fassel, Billick, current OCs / DCs, current HCs fired. Thes coaches will need to accept the current front office configuration.

Obviously I'm hoping for Course of Action 1. If COA 2 unfolds, I bet we get COA 2b. Mr Snyder thinks he has learned alot, has invested quite a bit (not just finances) into the team and is one of those guys that has met with HUGE success in his life sometimes after initially stumbling.

The Zorn hire is as unconventional as it gets and I know he wants it to work out not for a little bit because he wants to succeed where numerous so-called experts have been dogging him out in the press about how jacked up he is. If Zorn fails, I bet he re-fires again picking at least a 2nd tier coach as listed in 2b above or even goes out and does another unusual choice.

Personally I hope he looks at Grimm.

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