From the Department of Suggestions That I Cannot Implement...
At work, we've used ChatGPT and similar functions to automate lots of tasks.
Wondering whether there's someone in the BGO-verse that has the technical chops to program a bot to do a (copyright sensitive) news collection of all (relevant) WFT news stories to replicate in some way the incredible work that bubba9497 used to do at ES?
The final product could be (1) a thread for each article in the way it once was, (2) a "digest" or similar that would post the pre-pay-wall lines of the article [maybe the first 4-5 sentences], (3) an enhanced version of (2) being a ChatGPT summary of the article maybe, or (4) something else.
May need to finance a subscription/username & password for the bot to do the scraping job on e.g., USA Today/ESPN/WaPo/WaTimes/Athletic/etc. I'm happy to discuss financing that side of it.
LMK what you think. I found that service invaluable once upon a time to get everything in one place.
At work, we've used ChatGPT and similar functions to automate lots of tasks.
Wondering whether there's someone in the BGO-verse that has the technical chops to program a bot to do a (copyright sensitive) news collection of all (relevant) WFT news stories to replicate in some way the incredible work that bubba9497 used to do at ES?
The final product could be (1) a thread for each article in the way it once was, (2) a "digest" or similar that would post the pre-pay-wall lines of the article [maybe the first 4-5 sentences], (3) an enhanced version of (2) being a ChatGPT summary of the article maybe, or (4) something else.
May need to finance a subscription/username & password for the bot to do the scraping job on e.g., USA Today/ESPN/WaPo/WaTimes/Athletic/etc. I'm happy to discuss financing that side of it.
LMK what you think. I found that service invaluable once upon a time to get everything in one place.