Netflix Recommendations


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
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Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
Not looking for Iron Man 2 in this thread. Asking for some movies that maybe flew under the radar, be they modern or classics. The wife and I just watched Gone Baby Gone, and were blown away. Easily one of the best movies I've seen in a while, I can already tell it is going to stick with me. Yet I don't remember seeing trailers or anything for it when it came out in 2007. In fact, the only reason we Netflix'd it is because I read the novel a month ago.

So what recommendations do you have for movies that others may not have heard about, but you love?
Just a couple of random movies you may or may not have seen that crossed my mind recently.

The Naked Prey - (from IMDB) A group of men are on safari. One of the party refuses to give a gift to a tribe they encounter. The tribe is offended, seizes the party, and one-by-one, kills all but one of the safari members in various creative and horrifying ways. The last surviving member is given "The Lion's Chance" by the tribal leader to be hunted down by a party of tribal warriors. Naked and weaponless he is set loose, the hunters hot on his heels, beginning a life-or-death hunt through wild Africa.

A Simple Plan - Two brothers and a friend find $4 million in the cockpit of a downed plane. The pilot is dead. No one is looking for the money. To keep it, all they have to do is wait. IT ALL SOUNDED SO SIMPLE...

Dog Soldiers - Scottish Werewolf movie.
A routine military exercise turns into a nightmare in the Scotland wilderness.

The Wicker Man (1973 version) - A police sergeant is called to an island village in search of a missing girl whom the locals claim never existed. Stranger still, however, are the rituals that take place there.

Just a few shoutouts off the top of my head.
if you're into their instant movies, they have a good selection of Mystery Science Theater episodes. Of course, these are horrible movies with hilarious commentary so you may have to be in the mood for it.

I recommend The Final Sacrifice...
Apologies if some of these don't qualify, but here's a short list of movies I never really heard about until I saw them on Netflix:

Maria Full of Grace (foreign w/ subtitles)
City of God (foreign w/ subtitles)
Igby Goes Down
The Tao of Steve
About a Boy
Best in Show
Bottle Rocket (Wes Anderson's first film)
Danny Deckchair
Matchstick Men
Slums of Beverly Hills
Stranger than Fiction (Will Ferrel's only serious role, as far as I know)
Hopefully these qualify:

Green Street Hooligans
The Contract
Thank You For Smoking
The Sentinel
Downfall (foreign, about Hitlers final week alive)
Mr. Brooks
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
The Hunting Party
A Perfect Getaway
The Lookout
The Express
State of Play
Vantage Point (Dennis Quaid version)
Death Sentence
Eastern Promises
Reservation Road
the express made me cry like a little baby..highly recommend that.

I thought my wife and I were the only ones to see that movie. I have recommended it to all my friends, especially the football fans, and still none of them have seen it. One of my favorite football movies.
I thought my wife and I were the only ones to see that movie. I have recommended it to all my friends, especially the football fans, and still none of them have seen it. One of my favorite football movies.

Its in my Netflix queue, it just keeps getting pushed back. I'll have to move it to the top and check it out!
Although the movie is a bit violent, I really like Lanky's suggestion; City of God. Subtitles, but great movie.
if you're into their instant movies, they have a good selection of Mystery Science Theater episodes. Of course, these are horrible movies with hilarious commentary so you may have to be in the mood for it.

I recommend The Final Sacrifice...

I will third City of God. I have been enjoying foreign movies lately. I have not watched many, but the ones I have watched have been worth it.
i dont know if the OP has seen it but no matter what part of the movie it is in I can stop and watch Remember the Titans.

Truth! I get upset when I'm surfing before I have to go somewhere, and its on and I have to leave. Such an awesome movie!

Off the top of my head:
Donnie Darko
King Corn
Pan's Labrynth

South Park (yeah I know, not under the radar. But how could I have dismissed it when I first tried it out?)
Dead Like Me

I know I've seen more good under the radar type stuff. I'll post them later.
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My dad recently recommended 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' (free on Netflix) and it was really extremely well done. Highly recommend it (not for the kiddies though).
My dad recently recommended 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' (free on Netflix) and it was really extremely well done. Highly recommend it (not for the kiddies though).

No kidding, right? Couple of scenes there... yeah. Very well done though, I read the book first and they did a really nice job with things.
Some recent ones from our Netflix list:

3:10 to Yuma (version with Christian Bale)
The Pianist

The Battle of Algiers
Life is Beautiful
The Lives of Others
Amores Perros
and City of God which others have recommended.

If you like Best in Show, the same crew are in A Mighty Wnd - a 'documentary' on folk music.
I love the original 3:10 to Yuma, but agree the remake is damn fine too.
Just a couple of random movies you may or may not have seen that crossed my mind recently.

A Simple Plan - Two brothers and a friend find $4 million in the cockpit of a downed plane. The pilot is dead. No one is looking for the money. To keep it, all they have to do is wait. IT ALL SOUNDED SO SIMPLE...

Just a few shoutouts off the top of my head.

When I first saw this, A Simple Plan popped into my head :) Glad it is already in the list. It was recommended to me by a friend and I've continued to recommend it down the line.

For thriller/horror fans, Netflix also has available some of the old shows like "Thriller" (one of the episodes being The Grim Repear with William Shatner. Some they have for live streaming only (they have all of Cagney and Lacey even though it is not available on DVD).
For thriller/horror fans, Netflix also has available some of the old shows like "Thriller" (one of the episodes being The Grim Repear with William Shatner. Some they have for live streaming only (they have all of Cagney and Lacey even though it is not available on DVD).

The streaming sectiois awesome. We have a Roku player as well, so we can watch a lot of their streaming movies on the TV which rocks. Stayed up late last because I found Alien on there, then didn't sleep so well. What a great movie at is...
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