Mr. Irrelevant: DMV: John Lannan?s Got Your Strasburg


DMV is a daily roundup of District-Maryland-Virginia (mostly) sporting links.“Eyebrows” Lannan gives the Nats the first win of the Riggleman era and the first shutout of his career. He now has a 2.88 ERA since April 12 and is 7-7 overall for a 27-66 team. And I love him. [WaPo]Lannan reax: “Ace”, “our ace”, “slumpbuster”, [...]

i was at the game last night; my first of the yr. lannan works fast. not overpowering, but knows how to work the count. had a couple of nice double play grounders to stay out of trouble and preserve the shutout. zim and dunn had timely hits. and that kid in cf, nyjer morgan, looks like the real deal.

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