Morons in the Media (wikileaks)


Nov 17, 2010
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I live in the warmest city in the coldest provinc
Alma Mater
Im watching a show on CBC about wikileaks and some other issues, im disturbed that my taxes go to supporting the cbc and im going to write a letter.

They are discussing wiki leaks and some liberal turd is trying to argue that it wasnt wikileaks responsability to edit out the truly dangerous stuff like the names of afgans who were working with the government in a ghost capacity.

I gotta say, some of the stuff was compelling reading but there was a lot of it that should NEVER have seen the light of day, im not talking about diplo's saying what they really think about the president of france, nobody cares about that stuff. but the truly life threatening stuff? its easy to leak that when you dont see the consequences.

Now they are talking about transsexuals in the army lmao apparently its not ok to say that certain kinds of people make certain other kids of people uncomfortable and that the needs of the many outweigh the desires of the few.

when I was a kid, the CBC was pretty conservative, they had some great shows like Buckleys firing line, and other talk shows with actual experts, now its turned into a cesspool of liberal crap.

Like i said, I am going to write a letter, but since im Canadian it will probably be polite.
My only hope is that Private First Class Bradley E. Manning is tried and convicted of treason, then summarily led to the table where they inject him with the cocktail that takes his life.

This is less about my animosity for this low-life piece of ****, as it is about the need to send a very clear message. Leak sensitive information, in other words, commit the act of treason, you die! Whoever thinks about doing this again will think twice!

It is time to stop wearing kids gloves with people like this! He needs to pay.

Julian Assange? I am less concerned with him, but he should still pay as well. He will get his. Guantanamo would be a good place for him. Let him hang out with the types he is strengthening by leaking this stuff.
The scumbag pieces of **** in Berkely, California's City Council are going to vote to make PFC Bradley manning a hero!
Elephant, thats not funny.

Oh! I am not laughing! I was watching the History International special about 9/11 and thinking about what this piece of **** did, and now I want the death penalty doled out more than ever. After hearing about this story from Berkely, I am deeply saddened! Maybe it will wake at least a couple of these morons up to what the real world is like if this traitor to his nation is executed! I am so ****ing sick and tired of this liberal social utopia that they seem to live! Wake the **** up and smell the roses you idiot ****s!
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The scumbag pieces of **** in Berkely, California's City Council are going to vote to make PFC Bradley manning a hero!

The military shoud execute him on the same day Berkley plans to honor him
The funny thing is I was having a change of heart about the death penalty as a whole. I don't like the idea of us playing God. But in this case, if the Military (With our fearless leader Obama) does even try. much less, convict him of treason, they need to follow up with the proper punishment.

Treason, especially of this magnitude = death!
completely agree, I was extremely disgusted to find out that the wikileaks turds have compromised the safety of serving soldiers, and worse than that civilians who dont have protection who are aiding our forces. there needs to be some serious repercussion for this.
here's the problem: I have been told by friends that what was revealed in the Woodward book was far more damaging than wikileaks.
here's the problem: I have been told by friends that what was revealed in the Woodward book was far more damaging than wikileaks.

I don't care about Assange. Actually, I do, but to turn over secrets, when Manning knew what he was doing was treason, deserves the death penalty. At some point we have to get back to treating criminals like criminals! In my estimation, what he did was as bad as Noshir Gowadia selling secrets to the Chinese. Gowadia deserved to be put before a firing line as well.

Treason is treason. I don't care if it was tied up in a liberal sense of justice.
I don't care about Assange. Actually, I do, but to turn over secrets, when Manning knew what he was doing was treason, deserves the death penalty. At some point we have to get back to treating criminals like criminals! In my estimation, what he did was as bad as Noshir Gowadia selling secrets to the Chinese. Gowadia deserved to be put before a firing line as well.

Treason is treason. I don't care if it was tied up in a liberal sense of justice.

no argument here. I'm just passing on that some folks I know think the Woodward book was much more damaging. and we all know which group of people was the source for most of the information in that book.
I read an article in the paper that when wikkileaks refused to publish an article that would have serously damged credibility to the Global warming climate because Julian thought the papers were stolen but didnt think the Afghan papers were stolen

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