MMQB: King Says Minny Makes Most Sense for McNabb


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
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Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison

I think the team that makes the most sense for Donovan McNabb is Minnesota. The compensation that makes the most sense is a conditional fourth-round pick in 2012 that could rise to a three if McNabb starts 12 games this year. Or something like that. The Redskins can get partial payment (very partial) back for the move Mike Shanahan wishes he never made. The Vikings can sleep better at night knowing they don't have to rely on Joe Webb with a suspect offensive line and a veteran defense as they try to make one last playoff run with this core. McNabb can be happy knowing he has one more chance to take a contender deep into the playoffs. But if this happens, he'd better take full advantage of it, because it might be his last shot with a contender.

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Some other go info in there about Locker and the rest of the QBs too, btw.
I agree with agree with King on this too and even think the compensation he proposes makes sense although I think I would add one more step to it. Make it a conditional 4th that turns into a 3rd if McNabb plays 12 games and a 2nd if he makes a playoff appearance.
It scares the living **** out of me to go into the season with Grossman and whoever fills out the depth chart in the off season
It scares the living **** out of me to go into the season with Grossman and whoever fills out the depth chart in the off season

Me too. But, I'm not convinced putting our trust in McNabb again is going to be more rewarding. I think Grossman will make us all scream at the television from time to time. Kinda like the way McNabb did last year.

Having two of the same QBs on the roster doesn't really make sense. I agree with Neo. If we can get a conditional 3rd or even 2nd, I don't see how we say no to that.
It scares the living **** out of me to go into the season with Grossman and whoever fills out the depth chart in the off season

If we were playoff contenders going in to next season, I could buy this. But we are 8-8 at best next year and Grossman is capable of at least that. I just want to remind everyone he did take the Bears to the Super Bowl. I know he's not the Super Star QB we all want, but he is capable.
All things being equal, do I think Grossman is a better QB than McNabb? No, I don't.

But all things are not equal. This does not seem to be the offense for Donovan. Rex looked like a clear step up in the last 3 games last year. He may not be a world beater but I will take him over McNabb as long as Kyle is setting up the game plan and calling the plays.
If we were playoff contenders going in to next season, I could buy this. But we are 8-8 at best next year and Grossman is capable of at least that. I just want to remind everyone he did take the Bears to the Super Bowl. I know he's not the Super Star QB we all want, but he is capable.

He's a turnover machine. And that's bad news whether you're on a playoff contender or a suckass team like the Skins
But, I'm not convinced putting our trust in McNabb again is going to be more rewarding. I think Grossman will make us all scream at the television from time to time. Kinda like the way McNabb did last year.

Grossman made me nervous is the preseason last year. He would throw a pass (against scrubs) that you knew would be picked off by a decent D.

Grossman vs. McNabb...choose which one will make you scream the least. Neither one gives me a feeling of confidence.

Grossman did take the Bears to Super Bowl, but he had a stout D to help his cause.
Well look at the bright side .... if we get rid of McNabb for a pick and end up going into the season w/ Grossman (and subsequently suck), we end up with a better shot at Andrew Luck next year.

We are probably better off sucking bad for 1-2 years than to keep smoldoring along in slightly-below mediocrity.
I still have a Redskins #5 McNabb jersey for sale. <Sounds of crickets and bullfrogs>

Well, you know what will happen if we trade down from the #10 pick. :help:
If we were playoff contenders going in to next season, I could buy this. But we are 8-8 at best next year and Grossman is capable of at least that. I just want to remind everyone he did take the Bears to the Super Bowl. I know he's not the Super Star QB we all want, but he is capable.

I'd have to disagree with part of that statement. Rex Grossman had absolutely nothing to do with the bears getting to the Super Bowl. It was more they got there in spite of him. Ultimately, it is because of him that they didn't have a chance at winning it, as he proved with another dismal performance when it mattered most.

I think Rex is good for maybe 4-5 wins, but I don't see him ever being a full time starter anywhere. He just doesn't have it in him I don't think.
I'd have to disagree with part of that statement. Rex Grossman had absolutely nothing to do with the bears getting to the Super Bowl. It was more they got there in spite of him. Ultimately, it is because of him that they didn't have a chance at winning it, as he proved with another dismal performance when it mattered most.

I think Rex is good for maybe 4-5 wins, but I don't see him ever being a full time starter anywhere. He just doesn't have it in him I don't think.

First off welcome to the board! Glad to have another Obsessed aboard.

I will not dispute the fact that the Bears defense is the main reason for their ascendancy during their SB run. But to say they got there in spite of Rex Grossman is not accurate either. He had an average year that was not great, nor horrible. He was average, ranking in the top 12 in the NFL that season.

But you guys are missing my point. It is not so important that Rex Grossman was or wasn't the reason they got to the Super Bowl, it is that Super Bowl experience that is important. I know Rex Grossman is not the long term answer at the QB position for us, but he is capable of filling the position for a season or two while we rebuild and find our Andrew Luck. He is an older QB with a lot more experience and time in this offense. Like it or not, he will likely go into next season as our starter, unless McNabb can eat a huge piece of humble pie and do what the coaches tell him to do.
First off welcome to the board! Glad to have another Obsessed aboard.

I will not dispute the fact that the Bears defense is the main reason for their ascendancy during their SB run. But to say they got there in spite of Rex Grossman is not accurate either. He had an average year that was not great, nor horrible. He was average, ranking in the top 12 in the NFL that season.

But you guys are missing my point. It is not so important that Rex Grossman was or wasn't the reason they got to the Super Bowl, it is that Super Bowl experience that is important. I know Rex Grossman is not the long term answer at the QB position for us, but he is capable of filling the position for a season or two while we rebuild and find our Andrew Luck. He is an older QB with a lot more experience and time in this offense. Like it or not, he will likely go into next season as our starter, unless McNabb can eat a huge piece of humble pie and do what the coaches tell him to do.

I understand completely what you're saying. He's basically a notch above a roster filler, but not quite good enough to bank anything on. Oddly, I am in the minority that would prefer to give him a shot over McNabb, whether McNabb eats humble pie or not. I think McNabb killed us last year, and I don't particularly care to see him take another snap for us.

That being said, even Brad Johnson had a good season once, most sub par QBs usually do have a well above average season at some point in their career, so it would be nice if we could force one of those out of Grossmsn.
I am with Elephant on this one. That experience matters...a lot. Last year was also the first year that he an 80+ QB rating. I compare Grossman to Plummer, not from physical attributes, but the sucess Plummer had under Shannahan. I think Grossman can have that same kind of success and help us out for a few years. I posted tons of stats on this board before about how much Plummer improved under Shanny. I think Grossman can do the same, but remember he is a FA.

Also how come when everyone mentions that year for the Bears, they always leave out those special teams. Hester was dangerous that year. He won them a few game on his own. I would venture to say, that without Hester, they would have not made it to the SuperBowl. In fact, they might not have even made it to the playoffs.

Hester had 6 returns for td's that year. What does he do when he makes it to the Super Bowl? He returns one all the way. First time in history someone has returned the opening kickoff for a td.

Also, I will add that the Bengals, Titans, and 49ers would be a good spots for McNabb. I continue to read the Cardinals, but he does not fit what they do. In fact, McNabb's strength is dumping it off to the RB, something the Cards hardly ever do.
I understand completely what you're saying. He's basically a notch above a roster filler, but not quite good enough to bank anything on. Oddly, I am in the minority that would prefer to give him a shot over McNabb, whether McNabb eats humble pie or not. I think McNabb killed us last year, and I don't particularly care to see him take another snap for us.

That being said, even Brad Johnson had a good season once, most sub par QBs usually do have a well above average season at some point in their career, so it would be nice if we could force one of those out of Grossmsn.

Yeah, the humble pie comment was made tongue in cheek. Believe me, as a Florida State Seminole alum, it is difficult for me to root for a Gator! But Rex is the hand we have been dealt at this point. I would also rather see him than McNabb, another poor trade we are eating. I hate the taste of crow and I didn't even make the decision to trade for McNabb!
I just saw the rumor McNabb to the Vikings for a 5th rounder. It was on the NFL Network daily report. I guess this is assuming the lockout gets done before the draft, which I don’t think it does. McNabb for a 5th? Thoughts? Opions?
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Would be thrilled with a fifth or conditional fourth if incentives are met, as Miles (?) said earlier in the thread. If it is just a fifth with no other strings attached, I guess I can live with that, but at first blush it doesn't thrill me.
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