Mike Wise: Teammates to Albert Haynesworth: You should be at Redskins Park


Albert Haynesworth couldn't stand John Palermo, his defensive line coach last season, and therefore wasn't a big fan of practice. But even teammates could not believe his abject apathy as he sat on the side of the field while they were going through drills on one day last season, when Big Al had another little "owie."


Washington Redskin - Albert Haynesworth - NFL - John Palermo - American football positions

Couldn't agree with Mike Wise more here. Haynesworth is a living symbol of everything that's been wrong with these Redskins for a decade. Get your ass to Ashburn Haynesworth. Or start returning some of that big fat paycheck you've been counting for a year.
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Wow. Very telling quotes from Doughty and Daniels. Man. Damning quotes when your teammates want to know where the hell you are. It's one thing when a coach expresses some frustrationr, but when the players do? Get you fat ass to Ashburn Al!
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Still a non cap year. Cut his ass and be done with him

Maybe this will teach the danny a lesson
I still think he may be traded, possibly closer to training camp. Or maybe after another team has a DT go down with an injury.
Lanky, I hope you're right. Big Al needs to move on or get his big arse into Redskin Park.

There are lots of things I have to do in my job I don't like. It's part of the job I get paid to do. With the money he has received and going to receive...I don't feel sorry for him. Big Al needs to play DL, which is his job.
AH has painted himself into a corner with his ego. Assuming he doesn't knwo something we don't---such as the Redskins have privately told him he's going to be gone---he has a choice. He either

1) swallows his pride and comes in now, having to face all the questions and teasing for the good of the team, or he

2) has to stay out even if he wants to be here because of how far this has gone.

Based on everything I've seen so far, I have no reason to believe the man is either willing or capable of rising above his own sense of self-importance and admitting he was wrong. Nor do I think he has anyone in his life he respects that will tell him his behavior is embarrassing and to get this **** together.

If I had to bet my own money today, I'd say he'll never play another down for the Redskins, and that Shanahan is going to use the kind of rallying cries we are hearing from Daniels and others to unite the team.

Silver linings---you take 'em where you can get 'em.
There was never any question as to what kind of natural talent Albert brings to the table. It’s always been a question about his heart and commitment to the team concept. This does nothing to dispel that.

Cooley was on the radio this morning and he artfully dodged throwing Albert under the bus. He said that as long as Albert shows up for mandatory camp and does his thing nobody is going to care, and he’s probably right. Still, by my count only one player missed this voluntary camp, Albert. On field performance aside he’s clearly not about being part of this team.

He’s setting himself up for a lot of scrutiny going into the season. If he shows up out of shape (again) and isn’t productive right out of the gate he’s going to be the media and fan’s favorite target. If the defense struggles out of the gate, which is likely since it will be all new, he’ll get the majority of the blame because the perception will be he’s wasn’t 100% committed. Wise could have written this article two weeks ago.

You think Albert would smarten up a bit after the season we had last year and all the heat he took. Maybe he doesn’t care. No way Allen and Shanahan would have brought this guy in had they been in charge last off season.
I may be offbase but my gut feeling is that Haynesworth is a short-timer in DC.

The trade value was not out there before the draft based upon Albert's mediocre season in 2009.

But my guess is the Redskins will be looking to deal him by the trade deadline.

Several factors will play into this scenario and I thin they are all likely to happen:

1. Haynesworth comes to camp in shape

2. The Redskins run enough 4-3 to show Haynesworth off in the preseason.

3. A team tha looks to be a contender ends up with an injury on the DL or a high draft pick that disappoints.

If this scenario comes to pass and Washington can get a #2 pick in 2011 for him I think AH will be gone.
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AH has painted himself into a corner with his ego. Assuming he doesn't knwo something we don't---such as the Redskins have privately told him he's going to be gone---he has a choice. He either

1) swallows his pride and comes in now, having to face all the questions and teasing for the good of the team, or he

2) has to stay out even if he wants to be here because of how far this has gone.

Based on everything I've seen so far, I have no reason to believe the man is either willing or capable of rising above his own sense of self-importance and admitting he was wrong. Nor do I think he has anyone in his life he respects that will tell him his behavior is embarrassing and to get this **** together.

If I had to bet my own money today, I'd say he'll never play another down for the Redskins, and that Shanahan is going to use the kind of rallying cries we are hearing from Daniels and others to unite the team.

Silver linings---you take 'em where you can get 'em.

acknowledging up front that what haynesworth is doing is destructive - new coach, new scheme, etc., he ought to be there - there is the not unreasonable pov that when he signed he expected to be part of a particular system......which specifically did not include the 3-4. so...yea...I agree he's getting paid, he should be there airing his grievances privately but not undermining the team....but I can see that his position is not completely unreasonable.
I may be offbase but my gut feeling is that Haynesworth is a short-timer in DC.

The trade value was not out there before the draft based upon Albert's mediocre season in 2009.

But my guess is the Redskins will be looking to deal him by the trade deadline.

Several factors will play into this scenario and I thin they are all likely to happen:

1. Haynesworth comes to camp in shape

2. The Redskins run enough 4-3 to show Haynesworth off in the preseason.

3. A team tha looks to be a contender ends up with an injury on the DL or a high draft pick that disappoints.

If this scenario comes to pass and Washington can get a #2 pick in 2011 for him I think AH will be gone.
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so you don't think Shanahan/Allen/coaching staff providing the vision, inspiration and leadership that changes AH's attitude is part of the equation after just a few mos onboard (i.e., limited interaction but give up already)?
There was never any question as to what kind of natural talent Albert brings to the table. It’s always been a question about his heart and commitment to the team concept. This does nothing to dispel that.

Cooley was on the radio this morning and he artfully dodged throwing Albert under the bus. He said that as long as Albert shows up for mandatory camp and does his thing nobody is going to care, and he’s probably right. Still, by my count only one player missed this voluntary camp, Albert. On field performance aside he’s clearly not about being part of this team.

He’s setting himself up for a lot of scrutiny going into the season. If he shows up out of shape (again) and isn’t productive right out of the gate he’s going to be the media and fan’s favorite target. If the defense struggles out of the gate, which is likely since it will be all new, he’ll get the majority of the blame because the perception will be he’s wasn’t 100% committed. Wise could have written this article two weeks ago.

You think Albert would smarten up a bit after the season we had last year and all the heat he took. Maybe he doesn’t care. No way Allen and Shanahan would have brought this guy in had they been in charge last off season.

haynesworth has made public statements that he wasn't in good shape last season and that he felt part of the reason was the Skins training regimen (vice what he had done before). also....no one seems to be documenting whether or not he was divisive when on the Titans. seems to me they had some good defenses when he was there.

my guess? the Skins are playing wait and see: when AH shows up for the first manadatory OTAs is he in shape and a part of the team or a whiny distraction. none of us know what is going on in his mind, his preparations or his interactions with the team. the Skins don't have ANYBODY on that d-line who can play to his level. they need to see how bad this situation really is (i.e., at the mandatory workouts) before deciding on trades, etc. The defense is simply better with a motivated, ready AH. you don't trade away that kind of talent unless you are certain that the cost of keeping such a malcontent exceeds the benefits.
Still a non cap year. Cut his ass and be done with him

Maybe this will teach the danny a lesson
While I'd like some value for him, I would not have a problem with cutting Haynesworth.

If for nothing else, then for sending a message to the rest of the team that no one is above the law.
While I'd like some value for him, I would not have a problem with cutting Haynesworth.

If for nothing else, then for sending a message to the rest of the team that no one is above the law.

cut off your nose to spite your face?
acknowledging up front that what haynesworth is doing is destructive - new coach, new scheme, etc., he ought to be there - there is the not unreasonable pov that when he signed he expected to be part of a particular system......which specifically did not include the 3-4. so...yea...I agree he's getting paid, he should be there airing his grievances privately but not undermining the team....but I can see that his position is not completely unreasonable.
Maybe not, but considering how much money he got paid - you have to make some sacrifices.
acknowledging up front that what haynesworth is doing is destructive - new coach, new scheme, etc., he ought to be there - there is the not unreasonable pov that when he signed he expected to be part of a particular system......which specifically did not include the 3-4. so...yea...I agree he's getting paid, he should be there airing his grievances privately but not undermining the team....but I can see that his position is not completely unreasonable.

I hear what you are saying, but change is a part of life. If you can't adjust to change, good luck in life, truly. The NFL is a multi-billion (trillion?) dollar business, the one constant thing will be change, guaranteed.

He performed down to expectations last year, professional pride should allow him to see this is an opportunity to prove everyone wrong; instead, he is proving his critics right.
I hear what you are saying, but change is a part of life. If you can't adjust to change, good luck in life, truly. The NFL is a multi-billion (trillion?) dollar business, the one constant thing will be change, guaranteed.

He performed down to expectations last year, professional pride should allow him to see this is an opportunity to prove everyone wrong; instead, he is proving his critics right.

well..yes and no. keeping to your vision and principles is also part of life. there is good change and bad change (I will avoid political references in deference to a fellow Skins fan!).
haynesworth has made public statements that he wasn't in good shape last season and that he felt part of the reason was the Skins training regimen (vice what he had done before). also....no one seems to be documenting whether or not he was divisive when on the Titans. seems to me they had some good defenses when he was there.

my guess? the Skins are playing wait and see...

I agree with you completely on your second point. Albert is a game changer when he plays. He has rare physical gifts.

To your first point; I still think it's a dumb move on his part. How hard would it have been to hop on a plane and hit the practice field for a couple of days? I realize it wasn't "Mandatory" but it sure would have gone a long way to winning over his teammates and to get the fans and media off his case. Maybe that stuff doesn't matter to him.

As to what type of teammate he was in Tenn. I looked for some articles but came up empty on my first search. Lots of stuff about his driving issues the trade stuff, a training camp fight (which I don't count) and the head stomping incident. I can't think he's changed much from then to now, but like I said I can't back that up with documentation. We knew what we were getting into when we brought him in, or we should have. If he plays well nobody is going to care about any of this. If he doesn't though....
I agree with you completely on your second point. Albert is a game changer when he plays. He has rare physical gifts.

To your first point; I still think it's a dumb move on his part. How hard would it have been to hop on a plane and hit the practice field for a couple of days? I realize it wasn't "Mandatory" but it sure would have gone a long way to winning over his teammates and to get the fans and media off his case. Maybe that stuff doesn't matter to him.

As to what type of teammate he was in Tenn. I looked for some articles but came up empty on my first search. Lots of stuff about his driving issues the trade stuff, a training camp fight (which I don't count) and the head stomping incident. I can't think he's changed much from then to now, but like I said I can't back that up with documentation. We knew what we were getting into when we brought him in, or we should have. If he plays well nobody is going to care about any of this. If he doesn't though....

agree. I guess I just feel that the media (e.g., pinheads like wise) blow things out of proportion to serve the agenda of the moment. remember when wilbore tried to turn ST into a racial thing? let's sit back and see what happens. if he is really on the bends and disruptive, then sack his xxx xxxx as Sarge states. but right now......eh........it's just not that obvious what's really going on.

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