Merry Christmas BGO!

Merry Christmas to all !! Peace and goodwill towards man and maybe a win at the Jags tomorrow :)
Hope everybody has a wonderful day with family and loved ones :santa3:
Merry Christmas to all.

And to the BGO staff................LOVE the snowflakes!

Oh wait, that isn't my dandruff is it?
Yeah, I thought a little snow would give the place a nice little festive spirit :)
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Love the snowflakes, Boone-nice touch!

Got between 2"-3" of the white stuff heading into Raleigh this afternoon.

Woo Hoo!

Again, to everybody here and all you friends and family have a great Christmas!

Jingle bells, Jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Tomorrow down in Jacksonville

Let's ruin their whole day!

Hail To The Radskins!
A very Merry Christmas, and a safe and Happy New Year to one and all !
On this day we celebrate the birth of our Savior, I have been reminded how very blessed I am. I hope this day was full of joy for you all! One last time today, Merry Christmas to you all!
Santa brought me a Dallas a missed extra point no less. :biggrin2:

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