Meanwhile in Bizarro World

Hog Fever

Vescere bracis meis
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Bryson City, NC
An open letter from Dan Snyder
Monday Jan 4th 2010

First off I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read this. I’ll be the first to admit as the owner of the Redskins that I’ve made mistakes. Some of the decisions that we have made as an organization have not gone the way any of us wanted. Through all of this I’d like the fans to understand that all of our efforts surrounding the team were honest attempts to bring the Redskins back to a place of prominence in the NFL and ultimately to win a Super Bowl. To this point these efforts have, despite our earnest efforts, failed.

As the owner of this franchise I take responsibility for these past efforts. As a former president once said “The Buck Stops Here”. I want you, the fan base, to know that every time the team falters I suffer right along with you.

Vinny Cerrato and Jim Zorn have done the best they could do for this team. Their efforts have been appreciated. It is clearly time to move in a different direction. We have named a new President of Football Operations who will secure a new GM as soon as possible and will start to find the right fit for a new head coach. We will then start a comprehensive effort to examine and improve every aspect of the team. The opportunity of an uncapped year will help speed these efforts along, but I ask for your patience.

I want you all to know that I’m committed to making this franchise as great as it once was, whatever that takes. As we build towards that goal there will be many changes that take place. Some familiar and beloved faces will move on to other opportunities. This is an unfortunate byproduct of the realities of a rebuilding effort. We will be strong enough as a team and an organization to take this on, count on it. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Hail.

Dan Snyder
A guy can dream can't he?

I was trying to think of some way Dan could win me back over to supporting him. It would take something like this. Of course it's not going to happen.
You'd think something like that would be a PR no-brainer, even if it was lacking in sincerity. Hard to understand how a front office and owner could be so out of touch with what their customers are looking for.

And yet.
...and yet, FANS have to continue to write his letters of apology for him because he's too arrogant and egocentric to do it himself.

Owners think they know, but they DON'T KNOW!
No, they don't. He'd never write something like that, that putz.

How many people could he pacify with just a few simple words? He'd look like a hero to a lot of people. He's just not that smart. He might be a great business man but he clearly knows nothing about leading people. He's proven that over and over.
Why would he need to get in touch? Fans still gobble down the crap they're fed, year-in-year-out. No need to change the dish du jour in the face of that kind of demand.

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