Mark of Success?????


The Team Captain
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Burleson, TX
So let's hear your opinions on what will constitute a successful year.

For me, I want to see marked improvement. I want to see a team that plays tough and has grit. I want to see an agressive defense and an attacking offense. Talent may fall short in some areas, but I want to see the makings of a team.

8-8 seams reasonable and I'd consider it a move in the right direction.
I generally try to avoid doing this, but ...

2010 Redskins: Great Expectations?

For those not interested in reading the whole piece, here's the bottom line: :cool:

For those who will define success in 2010 as "X" Redskins wins or a playoff berth or bust, hope they get their collective act together early and strong enough to be no worse than 5-3 or 4-4 at midseason. Given the layout of the schedule and a string of tough games in the second half, it may be tough to get the 9 or 10 wins a playoff berth will require even if the team is considerably "better" than it was early.

My own expectations for the 2010 Redskins have less to do with the final record or playoff spot than they do with ending the season on a clear upward path. It's a new team. I never saddle a new team with that kind of expectations.

Here's what I do want.

I want to roll into the 2011 offseason having seen the Mike Shanahan/Bruce Allen Effect pay dividends in terms of professionalism on and off the field.

I want to see whether Donovan McNabb is The Man for another 3-4 seasons—long enough to continue the search for the home-grown "it" guy to take over when he's done.

I want to see if a) Jim Haslett is a better defensive coordinator than I gave him credit for when he was hired, and b) if a 3-4 defense can work in burgundy and gold. I mean, somewhere Diron Talbert is shaking his head.

And most of all, I want to see the Washington Redskins have begun the long climb back to NFL relevancy and respect.

Wins matter. Damn straight they do.

But at least for this year, seeing this storied-but-drifting franchise headed firmly back in the right direction matters more.
I'd measure a successful year as one where we stay the course regardless of our W-L record. If Snyder fires Shanahan after 1-2 years because we haven't exceeded expectations, I don't know what I'll do.

I'm tired of hearing Snyder define our season as one where we should be competing for the division title in spite of the fact that we have no consistency. We have the right ingredients. We need to take the time to marinate and slow cook. Low heat, high reward.
I'm going to add something I haven't seen mentioned that I think is an important factor.

Team psychology. I believe there exists a team psychology, an unvoiced yet present emotional state in the team as a group that has a major effect on how they play. Ideally, an emotional cohesion develops in a football team in which they themselves believe in their own ability to win football games. Last season I think this element was missing in the Redskins-the team didn't display any confidence in itself after a dismal start against weak teams, locker room dissension, uncertainty about how the team was being run and coached, and an increasingly restless and angry fan base complaining loudly and constantly. A team that believes in itself stands a much better chance of winning football games than a team that does not, I think. I am encouraged by what seems to be signs that the team-as a team-has bought into the new coaching staff, new offensive and defensive systems, and, at least publicly, are displaying almost to a man a sense of self-confidence and in some cases seeming actual excitement about getting out on the field and playing that wasn't present last season.

My sign of progress here would be the continuing of this trend toward a positive team identity whether we win 6 games or 10. The fact that I have seen signs of this is what caused me to go for an 8-8 season prediction in spite of the many questions that still exist about the coaching, systems, THE major internal distraction, personnel changes, and the wide spectrum of fan expectations I've read. If the team keeps and improves upon the "new" perspective I'm detecting, then we will indeed, I believe, not have another debacle of a season like last year-we will win some games against good NFL teams which will serve to add extra energy to the team's confidence in itself. The players, after all, are the ones going out on the field doing the job and belief in your ability to do that generates success. I would measure success, among other things of course, as the continuation of this shift in how the team feels and the maintaining of this direction change.
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Well when they ended the season last year we had way too many holes to fill and limited options with our draft picks. Our needs were many not in any particular order. A competent Front office, a new head coach and the appropriate coordinators. A starting quality left tackle an an upgrade across the board for the Oline. A starting quality Qb a reliable backup at Rb. Then of course some playmakers at Wr. ROFL......The only unit that appeared to be in reasonable shape was the defense, now we've reshuffled that from a 4-3 to a 3-4.
So what I'm hoping for is the Skins to have a decent season with at least a chance for a wildcard going into December. At that point hopefully some of those holes will be filled and the team can focus on making a serious run the following year.
Well said Serv. We often talk about players having that certain "It" factor. Teams have it too and I'd love to see the beginnings of it emerge.
I'm not sure what I want anymore, but I'll know it when I see it.

The closest I can come to putting into words would be ... I want self respect. I don't want to have to wait for the eye-roll after I announce I'm a Redskin fan. I don't think you get that in one season. That takes years. I want that. I want it back.

A successful season? A little taste of it. A light at the end of the tunnel. Something to look forward to in 2011.

And winning a few games in the process wouldn't suck. :)
I think we're all on the same page. I would term it attitude. I want the players to take the field expecting to win. Not the false bravado that we see when someone gets tackled for a one yard loss with 2 minutes gone in the second quarter. Just confidence. Attitude.

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