Little Photoshop Help?


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Montclair, VA
Strange timing what with McNabb and all, I know, but ...

I'm working on a little BGO-related project and could use some graphics help. I have only rudimentary cropping skills and technology and could really use clean versions of each of the images below.

Ideally I'd like each with clear (transparent) backgrounds, in PNG format. I'm going for crisp and clean here. They'll eventually be on (mostly) black background so please use that as your guide in deciding if/how to feather the edges.

If anyone has the time/interest in working on these, please PM or email me at om DOT steven AT gmail DOT com.

Many thanks. :)




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Only lets premium members see em Om. I'm down if I can see em. I might even have cropped examples already depending on the images.
Only lets premium members see em Om. I'm down if I can see em. I might even have cropped examples already depending on the images.
What the f---? Not intentional ... lemme look at that real quick.
Same here Om. I responded to your email and added another pic I forgot to send with the first.
Thanks all for the responses ... while we're sorting out the attachment-view issue I've gone ahead and simply uploaded the pics to the server and cut them into the OP. :)
I've never been able to view attachments on this forum. I thought that was saved for premium members.
Not intentionally, kirbster. Not unless I've forgotten a staff meeting or something.

We're on it ...
Even now you can't view them, kirbster?
FYI, the images in the OP aren't "attachments" anymore, they're simply links to the images uploaded to the BGO server. Hopefully everyone has always been able to see images simply liked via URL? The issue here seems to been with attachments (images uploaded directly from user's PC). That's what had originally been in the OP.

FYI, I've posted an attachment in this thread in the Feedback Forum ... can those of you who have never been able to see attachments take a look and let us know in that thread if you can see it? Merci!
I should've clarified earlier that I actually went in search of threads with attachments to see if could now see them and it was affirmative.
CT, do me a favor and log out for a minute? I'd like to log in to your account and verify if in your instance it's a BGO settings thing or not, because I've been able to successfully view attachments with other Registered User accounts ...
Okay CT, safe to come back. :)

I think you should be able to see the attachment now, but please take a look. As to why you couldn't before (it wasn't your end, it's def a BGO thing), I'm still working on that.
Check your email om. Spears are done. If you want them split into individual pics just let me know.

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