Legends that passed on in 2009

I certainly do not want to detract from the legends you intended to highlight, but I lost a legend this year and I thought I'd share him with you all. My dad is the reason why I am am obsessed with the Redskins and the star in my introduction to this site.

I miss you pops!
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Sorry for your loss bro...........
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He looks like he was an awfully nice man....here's to him :cheers:
Thanks a lot guys! I didn't mean to hijack this thread but I would like to give you one more piece of info on my dad I did not find out until after he passed.

I knew he was a Marine, even though he never told me. My mother told me. I knew he served at Guantanamo, but was unaware of when. I never really found myself interested since he never wanted to share much about it.

When we found his discharge papers from the Marine Corp, I discovered my dad was amphibious recon in the Marines, he was involved in the Bay of Pigs, but I am still unaware of what capacity he served while in Cuba.

The most proud I have ever been to be a citizen of the United States of America was the day the Marines laid him to rest in Arlington. Those men gave my father the most honorable service with such deep respect.
for your dad, Elephant . . . Semper Fi


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