Least we forget

Sarge, I have told you in the past on the other site and I would like to express to you and all those who either serve or have served in the Armed Forces THANK YOU!

God Bless this young man and all who have sacrificed in service of this country!
Sarge, you know from my posts over at TN that I have an interest in scientific advances in areas like "smart" prosthetics. It is my sincere wish that guys like this are the first to receive these things-at no charge to them whatsoever-we owe them that. Thanks for the article.
My son is a senior in high school and wants to join Army or Air Force. Think right now he plans on doing ROTC in college. Scored a 90 on asvab test.

Asked him why he wants to go into the military. Told me that he's been thinking about all the ones that served and even died so he could have freedom. Now he says it's my turn to pay them back.

Couldn't argue with his reason. He has my full support.
Let's remember the families of victims at Fort Hood in our thoughts and prayers.
I had bizarre neuro-related problems after my time on the ground in Gulf War I - and we had British Fox chem alarms going off constantly. I have no doubt we were exposed at some level. Luckily, I recovered fully for the most part.

Can't imagine dealing with the kind of trauma this young man and many others like him have experienced. I manage a rehab center and so see the impact of these kinds of injuries on individuals. What a great attitude he's got. His parents must be proud of him.

I have mixed feelings about my son going into the military in the future. I wouldn't discourage him, but I also wouldn't encourage him as I think its a highly personal decision and I wouldn't want him doing it to 'make me proud'. I'd want him doing it for his own reasons.

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