Keep Yourselves Thirsty My Friends


The Legend
Jul 19, 2009
Reaction score
Bethesda Md
We can argue the merits of the WRs on the roster and the hopes for Campbell long-term, but to me the most gratifying part of training camp and the preseason has been the low key approach taken by both coaches and players to the 2009 season.

That is not to say that much is not expected of this team, because from the owner's box down there is.

But the vibe I have gotten is this team gets along. This team works well together and these players pull for each other. As important perhaps there don't appear to be too many self-satisfied athletes on this club.

DeAngelo Hall and Haynesworth have talked about doing their jobs.

Orakpo has talked about earning his job 100% by validating the confidence the coaches have placed in him this early.

Zorn had Campbell's back this offseason and he realizes that.

Even though these intangibles may be givens on teams in Pittsburgh and NE year to year, things have not always been that way here in DC as we very well know.

Hardly a year went by without a 'Super Bowl' reference or two in the preseason from a LaVar Arrington or Laveranues Coles.

Fricton between the HC or OC/DC and major players on the team was also a not infrequent circumstance.

But this year feels different.

The trick for this team is not to believe a 3-1 or 4-0 start in the season's first quarter is a sign the club has arrived :)
I've had similar thoughts Bulldog...

I know 'take one game at a time' is such a well-worn sports platitude it's hard to say with a straight face. But I think it's exactly what these Redskins need to do. In fact, we really need to take one quarter at a time. I think if we can muster that - and I think this is at the heart of Zorn's urging of his players to 'keep it medium' - we have much more talent than the usual talking heads and NFL prognosticators give us credit for. If we can exhibit one quality above all others - CONSISTENCY - we have a serious chance to surprise a lot of people.
I sense something like a renewed self-confidence by the team in themselves. I believe the second-half season slump last year damaged the Skin's belief in their ability to "get the job done", so to speak. Their performance in the preseason, despite the 1-3 record, was confidence-building. Playing the Saints head-to-head the whole game and beating the Super Bowl champ Steelers, I think, restored the team's belief in their ability to be competitive against anybody in the league-that plus the obvious personnel improvements and some stand-out performances by the "newer" team members do have an effect on morale. Zorn's way of maintaining a "low key" approach makes me think he's possibly taking a "quiet confidence" approach, a "speak-softly but wait'll you see our stick!" that doesn't need the chest-thumping bravado, more like a "talk's cheap, we're goin' after you on the field, sucker" type of confidence. At least that's the read I'm getting-the Skins may have more than a few surprises in store than many may think.
It was very frustrating to watch Zorn NOT give Campbell the chance to learn and grow against NY.

You don't run a pass off an end around after breaking a 34 yarder on the first play.

A smart coach uses that play to set up his quarterback for a nice completion or two as the defense adjusts and things open up a bit.

Troy was right. Why have the ball in the hands of your #3 receiver to pass if you have any regard for your quarterback.

So Zorn protected Campbell in the offseason to produce these kinds of game plans?
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So Zorn protected Campbell in the offseason to produce these kinds of game plans?

Baffling. Zorn demonstrated zero confidence in Campbell pretty much all afternoon. Thing is, you have to either show confidence in him or bench him. You can't play him and then hold him back. It's like putting your foot on the accelerater and the brake at the same time.

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