Keep her killers in prison....

Miles Monroe

The Owner's Favorite
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Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Cape Coral Fl
Thirty years ago, I lost a casual friend to a violent crime at the tender age of 16, Paula Bohovesky. I had her in two art classes in my senior year. This really shook out little town, and though it's been a long time, I've never forgotten Paula, of her unfortunate demise.

Here's just one of the links concerning this situation, but the gist of it all is, the two scumbags are up for parole again, and they need to rot where they are till they die. Any grown men who beat, rape, and repeatedly stab a young girl should have been shot on the spot in my opinion.

Family fights to keep teen killers in prison

There is a link to a petition midway through the article, but if you feel no need to read, here's a direct link.

Petition for Paula

I know I can count on you folks to help keeping these animals from ever doing this again.

Paula Bohovsky 1964 / 1980

Done. Is the death by shooting still an option? Cause I would like to sign THAT petition too.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Did my civic duty and may the powers that be do their civic duty.
Done. May these worthless chromosones remain and rot in jail until Lucifer takes control.
Done friend.

if anyone is on the fence about signing the petition read that article, it talks about some of their parole hearings. They both claimed to have met for the first time that night at a bar, and at a parole hearing one of the guys says the other guy said he had been getting jailhouse letters from the victim and said he was gonna kill her.

Are you kidding me??? this guy is trying to get paroled? where was this at trial, and how does he even expect anyone to believe that on first meeting some psyco is gonna reveal that.
I don't like putting personally identifying info out on the Internet.....but.....


Shame it isn't legal to to donate money, to a family member of some "lifer" inmate, that could do the world a favor by raping, and then killing, these two worthless pieces of stinking maggot ****, while they're still behind bars.

I'd contribute.
I signed. Its unbelievable that these guys are even eligible for parole - they should bury guys like that under the prison.

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