Karl Swanson leaving the Skins

The Burgundy Ghost

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Jul 15, 2009
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just a little bit of info. via Rick Maese's twitter:

Karl Swanson, Redskins' top PR guy, is leaving the organization. Snyder's self-described PR "henchman" is supposedly leaving on own accord.

It's believed the Redskins have already begun interviewing for replacement and have offered job to a high-ranking official from another team

Swanson was one of just two senior-level club officials who'd been with Snyder since the owner took over control of the team

Cleaning house can be nothing but a good thing for this organization. Good luck Karl, thanks for answering every email I ever sent ya!
I guess Karl got bored now that Vinny's not around to ask him to leak information. All this hush-hush stuff from Shanahan and Allen has left him with little to do. ;)
The really good news about this is that it means Snyder really is stepping back. No way he'd let Swanson go if he was still pulling the strings.
You guys are make the assumption Swanson is leaving under anything other than his own volition. Personally, I don't think Shanahan has anything to do with this. Nor do I think it represents any 'stepping back' from Snyder. Just basing this on my own hunch at this point but my guess is Karl has simply decided it's time.
So whaddaya know. Turns out that despite Swanson's assertions to the contrary, we fans actually do know...as opposed to just thinking we do. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. :claps: It couldn't have happened to a more deserving, person. :behead:

Seeya Andyman :ciao: Enjoy your new gig in Oakland. Just don't let the doorknob hit you in the arse on the way out...and FYI, we have counted all the towels in the exec. washroom. :beadyeyes: :bobby2:
One thing I've learned over the years ... the wise man knows that he knows nothing at all.

You know?
You guys are make the assumption Swanson is leaving under anything other than his own volition. Personally, I don't think Shanahan has anything to do with this. Nor do I think it represents any 'stepping back' from Snyder. Just basing this on my own hunch at this point but my guess is Karl has simply decided it's time.

I actually DO believe he's leaving of his own volition. I think it IS because Danny has taken a step back, though. Swanson probably no longer feels like an important cog in the wheel since Danny's not involved and Vinny's not around for him to advise. Just my two pennies.
You guys are make the assumption Swanson is leaving under anything other than his own volition. Personally, I don't think Shanahan has anything to do with this. Nor do I think it represents any 'stepping back' from Snyder. Just basing this on my own hunch at this point but my guess is Karl has simply decided it's time.

I agree, Shanahan probably has nothing to do with this. Allen on the other hand...
Seeya Andyman :ciao: Enjoy your new gig in Oakland. Just don't let the doorknob hit you in the arse on the way out...and FYI, we have counted all the towels in the exec. washroom. :beadyeyes: :bobby2:

Swanson was "Andyman"? Seriously? Wow, I'm shocked and now I feel so . . . dirty.
I've learned over the years that the chances of us accurately guessing what really drives decisions at Ashburn are not really all that high :) Swanson's no youngster for starters, and there's been a lot of turnover administratively at Redskins Park even prior to the recent coaching change. As for Swanson's tenure with the Redskins, I have a couple thoughts on that. First of all, if anyone was telling anyone else what to do, I'd guess it was Swanson doing the telling, not him taking marching orders from Vinny Cerrato. I always got the feeling during the years I covered the team that next to Snyder, Swanson was calling the shots, and that when he said something, people took notice and moved pretty quickly. The other thing I'll say is that, of all the people at Redskins Park, Karl Swanson was the guy who stepped up and gave a bunch of fans who ran a Redskins site the chance to peek behind the curtain. There might have been a lot of reasons, other than benevolence, that he supported that idea. But regardless, he gave fans more access to the inner workings of an NFL team than maybe has ever been enjoyed. And he supported that endeavor even when other suits there didn't. Got to give him props for that.
More on Swanson's departure

With a second minicamp just a few days away, we'll be focusing a lot more on the roster later this week. But for now, just a few more details of the departure of Karl Swanson, the team's long-time senior vice president.

Our previous post on Swanson noted that he's leaving the team immediately. It's believed Monday was his last day. An announcement on his successor could come this week.

We've heard from some sources at Redskins Park who say Swanson is leaving on his volition, and that team owner Daniel Snyder would've been happy to have him around for a long time. There are family reasons behind the move.

Because Swanson had a front-row seat for most aspects of the Snyder's tenure as team owner, we thought we'd share with you the entirety of the e-mail he sent to team employees on Monday:

"Today is my last day working at Redskins Park.

Family responsibilities truly are most important, though too often we resist that notion. For me, not any longer, and Dan Snyder has been totally supportive and understanding of the situation.

I've been fortunate to spend my working days inside one of the most fascinating workplaces on earth. Then, I got to go to games and see all members of the Redskins team - not just the players and coaches - put on their game faces and help produce one of the greatest shows on
earth! And I got to do it again and again.

There was nothing like it. And there never will be again for me.

I know the team will be doing great things in the coming years, and I will be watching (maybe in person for the games in the Northeast) and supporting you all every step of the way.

Thanks to all of you - especially Dan -- for your friendship and support all these years. I will miss you all."
Don't let the door hit you in the ass Andyman. Having been one of the danny's little enablers since 99, you've done your fair share to run the organization into the ground. If you are leaving on your own, good luck in whatever you do AWAY from the Skins. If you're going because Allen gave you the boot, then good on Allen.

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