Because I can't possibly let you have the last word...
expnding this thread:
1) public school systems have been going down the crapper for a long time...including during periods of increasing Union power and benefits. The causes run deeper than how much these people are paid.
1) vis dems/repubs: got it. you believe in equivocation and want me to adopt your value system. AINT GONNA HAPPEN.
I don't want you accept anything. I simply want you to understand my position, acknowledge it's a valid point of view without belittling it, and then have a reasonable discourse.
3) it's immaterial to me whether you love/hate Unions. government official corruption? specifically in the context of school boards, superintendents, etc? and the check is? the voter. the media. prosecution. those officials are there to represent the taxpayer. that is the REAL relationship....not the intermediary you are proposing. are prevailing/local working conditions/wages always the product of corrupt government...or the product of local wealth and preferences?
I don't think you can say it is exclusively the product of either. Both contribute. Again, I am not saying unions or teachers are without blame, simply that corruptness in the local, state and federal govt does exist, and the workers need to be protected from that corruption. Is the union is the best way to do that? Probably not. But I don't see a whole ton of alternatives right now.
4) vis lesser evil: guess we'll just have to disagree. the Republican party is at the front end of a long term process of purging and rejuvenation. or it will perish. you discretely avoid all the philosophical/governance issues I drew out. "What's the difference" isn't a satisfying answer...but if you are comfortable with that be it! and haven't addressed much of what I expressed your attitude...but not disposition vis the goals Unions are organized to muster money and votes for (other than wages and working conditions).
Trying not to be passive aggressive, Mike. Promise.
I feel as though I have addressed several times in several places the fact that I absolutely do NOT support the goals of most unions, many of which are not there for the benefit of the teachers, parents and schools. I find that abhorrent. Not sure how else to explain this.
However, if the choice is putting up with those evils, or not having any representation for the rights of the workers at all, well, I'm siding with the workers on that one.
If there is an alternative that protects the rights of the workers while eliminating the waste and abhorrent goals you reference, I'm all ears.
As for the Repub/Dems thing, I am not avoiding anything. I find myself becoming more liberal as I get older, but do not identify myself as a Dem. Still never voted that way, as a matter of fact. I tend to look at separate issues independently, see where the candidates fall on various things that are important to me, and vote accordingly. I think both parties are corrupt and incompetent, and am slowly beginning to understand that local elections are where I can make the most difference, and therefore pay more attention to those than others.
5) How have Unions productively, positively and continuously served the interests of parents (i.e., taxpayers) and students? and what takes priority: students or Union objectives?
They haven't, and the students. Good teachers put their student's priorities first, therefore the union should as well. Sadly however, no one puts the teacher's needs first. No one. The choice should not be between the union and students. The teachers needs should be factored in as well.
6) We have not had any real discussion on whether Unions should even be acceptable or what is negotiable when serving local/State/Federal institutions.
Well, I would generally say if the nurses in the VA system (to pick a position at random) are treated poorly and feel they need a union to get proper representation, go for it.
7) Both my parents taught at public Universities. I have a family member who teaches at a secondary school in Fla. Always helps to ask before jumping to conclusions!!!!
8) Umm...the Congress sets military wages (manning levels, personnel account funding). They add in perks/benes as needed to maintain required manning/specialty skills. Local school districts will have the same option depending on what quality/quantity of teacher they want to attract. but, in the military, there is no negotiation other than with our feet.
I don't really understand your argument here, sorry. Are you saying you think the military should be able to have a union? Or that because the military can't, therefore the teachers shouldn't either?
9) having worked in the Federal system myself for many decades....I can agree with many of the dysfunctions you suggest. and I can also add legions of examples about protected Union workers who served no real purpose, originated no real ideas, produced no real product....and remained a burr on the taxpayer rear quarter for years because it is nearly impossible to fire these people. no argument from me if you actually accept that there are incompetent government servants. I disagree that the answer is Public Unions empowered with expansive collective bargaining rights. those powers aren't used to protect workers...they are used to hold governement and the public hostage. they can and have led to death (see NYC snow quasi-strike).
we aren't going to agree on this. time to move on.
So your solution is to get rid of the evil unions without any alternative for the workers? In one breath you acknowledge there is corruption in government on all levels, but feel as though the teachers who work under that corruption should have no recourse to deal with that corruption?
I guess I don't understand your argument. It seems like you want to do away with unions without offering any sort of alternative. Furthermore, you
seem to be arguing that teachers don't need/deserve any recourse.
IF that is your position, you're right, we are done. If, however, you would like to propose some alternatives, I would love to talk about them.