Joe Gibbs helping Washington Redskins players to gain the financial savvy he lacked w


Joe Gibbs helping Washington Redskins players to gain the financial savvy he lacked when he was younger

Unbeknownst to all but a handful of people, Joe Gibbs spent most of two days at Redskins Park on June 1-2. He met with many of the team's key veterans, two of their wives and about 20 players in all, sandwiching the time during the team's offseason training activities.

He is involved. Very involved.

"I wanted to give back," Gibbs said in a telephone interview. "I just thought this was something I could do for the players."

Joe Gibbs talked money with the Redskins early last month. For help, he enlisted two university professors with Harvard MBAs.

He humbly spoke of how, during the early 1980s in Washington, Gibbs lost his personal fortune because of financial ignorance. How he felt helpless when several of his former players -- some in contract disputes -- confessed to him about making bad business decisions that negatively affected their careers. And how every team in the NFL needs the kind of OTA that recently transpired in Ashburn: a free-of-charge financial seminar Gibbs partnered with Strayer University to put on.

Joe Gibbs is a far better human being than a football coach, or a race-team owner. And that's saying quite a bit.

I very, very rarely use the word "great" when describing people. Joe Gibbs is a GREAT man. And then some.
This is good to see. I have no doubt that once guys get used to a certain lifestlye, it's easy to think it'l keep on coming.

As for Gibbs, he lost his ass in speculative reality, and Mr Cooke bailed him out. I had no doubt that Gibbs would give back in some fashion or another, but using himself and his situation to warn others and help them prepare hopefully will drive to point home to some that otherwise wouldn't pay heed
This, to me, is really important. Not only is it simply awesome for Gibbs to put it together and share his own personal experiences, but I think this says a lot about how the Skins' organization is changing. A year ago, this wouldn't happen. Stuff like this, unrelated as it may be to football, builds the right attitude around a team.
This sounds like something that could be useful all across the NFL-a former player, coach, owner, someone with notable ties to the team serving as a "life mentor" to players, especially those new ones suddenly thrust into the reality of the high-income, high-visibility world of professional sports. It might lessen the number of problem cases we see league-wide every season. I definitely commend Gibbs for doing this and would hope that other teams take note of his example.

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