Jim Joyce Facts

  • Thread starter Lanky Livingston
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Lanky Livingston

Jim Joyce waved off Ovechkin's goal in game 7 against the Canadiens.

Jim Joyce told BP to use the faulty drilling platform in the Gulf.

Jim Joyce wrote the LOST season finale.

Create your own!*

*if you haven't seen the story yet, read and watch the video here.
If there was ever a real life candidate for Southwest Airline commercial it would be Jim Joyce. He has to feel like getting away.

Since topic was brought up...let's play what if.

What if the runner was safe, but Joyce (or ump) called him out and gave the pitcher a perfect game?
Jim Joyce was seen on the grassy knoll.

Jim Joyce was responsible for “New Coke”

Jim Joyce drank almost all the milk and put the last drops back in the fridge.
Jim Joyce was responsible for the burnt popcorn smell in your office.
Jim Joyce spends his spare time sending out spam e-mail for a Nigerian prince.

Jim Joyce once scissor kicked Angela Landsbury.

Jim Joyce sold out Han Solo in Cloud City

Jim Joyce sets the beer prices at Fed-Ex Field
Jim Joyce took the last roll

Jim Joyce’s real name is Hans Gruber
Jim Joyce did something nearly unheard of in sports or America today and owned up to the mistake like a real man.
Jim Joyce trained Mark Brunell.
Jim Joyce did something nearly unheard of in sports or America today and owned up to the mistake like a real man.

Jim Joyce stole Neophyte's sense of humor. :)
Jim Joyce told Bud Selig to uphold his call and not award the Perfect game even though he admitted he was wrong.
Jim Joyce stole the cookie from the cookie jar.

Jim Joyce betrayed the 300 to the Persians.

Jim Joyce beat up Daniel in a skull costume.
Jim Joyce killed Kenny!

And JFK!
Jim Joyce convinced me to marry my ex-wife.

Jim Joyce was the one who timed Reed Doughty's 40.

Jim Joyce tripped Barbaro.

Jim Joyce once worked as Terry Allen's ACL. Then later as his other ACL.

Jim Joyce was the replay official on Art Monk's SB touchdown.

Jim Joyce piloted the Valdez, the Titanic, and the 2009 Redskins.

Jim Joyce drafted Kwame Brown.

Jim Joyce drafted Heath Shuler.

Jim Joyce traded for Jaromir Jagr.

Jim Joyce moved the Senators. Twice.

Jim Joyce hates the Mystics' locker room, because there's nothing to blow.

Jim Joyce hates Sean Taylor, or there would be 21 perfect games in MLB history.

And finally.....

Jim Joyce is a man's man, and will always have my respect for how he handled that situation.
Agreed. I thought all parties dealt with it with 100% class, something you rarely have the privilege of seeing in today's sport's world.
Agreed. I thought all parties dealt with it with 100% class, something you rarely have the privilege of seeing in today's sport's world.


If it had been Carlos Zambrano instead of Galarraga, we'd be eulogizing Mr. Joyce at this point. :laugh:
Here is the funny partt is he is probably more famous noew than if he had been given teh Perfect game
Here is the funny partt is he is probably more famous noew than if he had been given teh Perfect game

That may be the case - but it misses the point entirely. There are only a relative handful of pitchers who have EVER pitched a perfect game. So to be essentially robbed of the opportunity to join that club by a bad call, and to respond to that robbery with utter class - well, that is noteworthy. But it doesn't change the fact that he will never be included in the historic record of pitchers who've accomplished that rare feat. No 15 minutes of fame is going to change that. To suggest it will is pretty silly.
That may be the case - but it misses the point entirely. There are only a relative handful of pitchers who have EVER pitched a perfect game. So to be essentially robbed of the opportunity to join that club by a bad call, and to respond to that robbery with utter class - well, that is noteworthy. But it doesn't change the fact that he will never be included in the historic record of pitchers who've accomplished that rare feat. No 15 minutes of fame is going to change that. To suggest it will is pretty silly.

Wasnt suggesting anything except that he is more famous for not throwing it than would be for throwing it Maybe some good will come of this and instant replay will be used in the future for cases like this.

Even though this is more dramitic this is the second time an umpire has cost a pitcher a perfect game on the last batter it was in the 60s this guy had a 1-2 count on the final batter and the ump called 3 staright balls and the next guy singled to break up the no hitter
Jim Joyce makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals of discovery.

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