If winning cures all then losing exposes all. Players are now speaking publically about their feelings on a variety of topics: lack of being used or given a chance, lack of production of the offense, players voicing concerns to the media, players being told how to play the game...
Were these the problems you expected in year 4 of Shanahan's tenure? I certainly didn't.
Now we have articles coming out in the media that are causing some to wonder if the right move is reading between the lines or writing off the media as stirring the pot.
Sally Jenkins wrote an article that is extremely critical of Griffin and hints at issues some people were asking about during the offseason - Robert Griffin III isn't getting better; does he realize he needs to? - The Washington Post
Unteachable know-it-all, Drivel about being a leader, Unseemly power machinations? Where is this coming from? While many redskins fans see Jenkins as a typical pot-stirring Washington Post writer, there are some saying she has connections to Shanahan; a coach that is considered by many people to be one that likes to use certain reporters to get certain messages out (Adam Shefter even said on the radio he calls Mike Shanahan once a week to find out what Shanahan wants him to say.) Those people in the former group have a long history of anti-Redskins articles written by Washington Post staff, including Jenkins. Those people in the latter group point to the interview Jenkins did with Shanahan a while back, as well as some interesting quotes she seems to get from him.
This is accompanied by other writers making mentions in their articles that the Redskins coaching staff has altered their offense at the request of Griffin. All of this follows an offseason that consisted of Griffin and his family doing multiple interviews where shots were taken at the coaching staff for a variety of things including the offensive scheme, play calling, and how The Injury was handle.
Now today Chris Russell appeared on ESPN 980's Sports Fix to discuss the situation. According to him there are, and have been for some time now, lots of rumblings going on in the park about issues between Griffin and the coaching staff; both with Mike and Kyle Shanahan. There's been rumblings about the QB going behind the coaches' backs to talk to the owner about items he's not happy with; which has caused Shanahan to start putting out items through reporters.
According to Russell alliances have been formed inside Redskins Park. These alliances are best described by his summation: If a wrestling match broke out in the front office it would a 2 v 3 match - Kyle and Mike Shanahan vs Griffin, Allen and Snyder. Russell says most of this is caused by The Injury issue and the months that followed it; including snipes made in quotes from both sides directed at the other.
When asked if winning would repair the problems or mask them, Russell said it would only mask them. Griffin has a very real, and large, amount of power within the organization; not only for his ability and the cost required to bring him to the organization, but for his undeniable marketability.
Personally, I have no idea where the truth lies but if the organization's direction and decision making largely rests in the hands of a 23 year old not even half way done with his second season then I don't have a very good feeling about things.
Were these the problems you expected in year 4 of Shanahan's tenure? I certainly didn't.
Now we have articles coming out in the media that are causing some to wonder if the right move is reading between the lines or writing off the media as stirring the pot.
Sally Jenkins wrote an article that is extremely critical of Griffin and hints at issues some people were asking about during the offseason - Robert Griffin III isn't getting better; does he realize he needs to? - The Washington Post
Robert Griffin III used to be his team’s most uplifting player, but he is becoming a weight, maybe even a burden. Where is that fresh kid with the unbeatable combination of modesty and limitlessness? In his place is a player who’s coming off as an unteachable know-it-all. The guy has played just 22 regular season games, and into that time he has packed a few random stabs at semi-greatness, followed by a lot of unseemly power machinations, and drivel about being a leader, without yet mastering his craft.
Unteachable know-it-all, Drivel about being a leader, Unseemly power machinations? Where is this coming from? While many redskins fans see Jenkins as a typical pot-stirring Washington Post writer, there are some saying she has connections to Shanahan; a coach that is considered by many people to be one that likes to use certain reporters to get certain messages out (Adam Shefter even said on the radio he calls Mike Shanahan once a week to find out what Shanahan wants him to say.) Those people in the former group have a long history of anti-Redskins articles written by Washington Post staff, including Jenkins. Those people in the latter group point to the interview Jenkins did with Shanahan a while back, as well as some interesting quotes she seems to get from him.
This is accompanied by other writers making mentions in their articles that the Redskins coaching staff has altered their offense at the request of Griffin. All of this follows an offseason that consisted of Griffin and his family doing multiple interviews where shots were taken at the coaching staff for a variety of things including the offensive scheme, play calling, and how The Injury was handle.
Now today Chris Russell appeared on ESPN 980's Sports Fix to discuss the situation. According to him there are, and have been for some time now, lots of rumblings going on in the park about issues between Griffin and the coaching staff; both with Mike and Kyle Shanahan. There's been rumblings about the QB going behind the coaches' backs to talk to the owner about items he's not happy with; which has caused Shanahan to start putting out items through reporters.
According to Russell alliances have been formed inside Redskins Park. These alliances are best described by his summation: If a wrestling match broke out in the front office it would a 2 v 3 match - Kyle and Mike Shanahan vs Griffin, Allen and Snyder. Russell says most of this is caused by The Injury issue and the months that followed it; including snipes made in quotes from both sides directed at the other.
When asked if winning would repair the problems or mask them, Russell said it would only mask them. Griffin has a very real, and large, amount of power within the organization; not only for his ability and the cost required to bring him to the organization, but for his undeniable marketability.
Personally, I have no idea where the truth lies but if the organization's direction and decision making largely rests in the hands of a 23 year old not even half way done with his second season then I don't have a very good feeling about things.