Is Betts the same player he was a few years ago?

He had a great year when he replaced Portis a few years ago. For those of you lucky enough to watch, has he lost a step? Would love to see him pounding away at 4.7 yards a carry.

He had the bum knee last year but not a lot of wear and tear on his body. If Zorn "no speak with fork-ed tongue", I think we can expect good things out of Betts this year. His blocking will have to improve though. CP in there on 3rd down saved Campbell's bacon several times with his blocking.
I think Betts can carry a much heavier load and save Portis some. Portis can not be getting 30 carries consistently in the beginning of the season or we will see a drop off like last year. Betts was one of those situation that I think Zorn has to learn how to use.
I think Betts still got something....he does not have half the wear and tear that most RBs his age have. Replacements should be looked at though for next season someone who could really compete.

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