You can read a little info about me in the 'About Us' section, but more important than the demographics, I'm a Redskin's fan, and I'm obsessed. They don't have a 12 step program for that, and if they did, I'd refuse to participate
I hate Dallas, the Giants, the Eagles - hell, I still hate the CARDINALS - just because I can. I grew up in Northern Virginia and spent most of my life there. I don't know when my obsession with the Skins started, but every Sunday from September to January, the old black and white TV was tuned to the Redskins game. It didn't take long before I was hooked.
When Mark Steven (Om) and I first began talking about starting this site - the first question was 'why?'. What would we do that many other Redskins-related sites hadn't already done? The answer to that is more like trying to describe the smell of a really incredible steak on the grill, the look of a young girl walking along the surfline and tossing her hair on a Summer day, or the feeling you get watching Mark Brunell throw the 2nd TD in 5 minutes to defeat a hated rival on MNF - hard to put into words. But we wanted to create a place all of our own, where fellow Burgundy and Gold-obsessed fans of like mind and kindred spirit might gather, where discussions could be passionate, but generous and respectful too. We've seen glimpses of such a place before, and we wanted it back. So we decided the only way to achieve such a space on the interwebs was to build it ourselves. So we found a couple of other special guys to join us on the journey, and we got to work building our little corner of internet redskins-obsessed heaven.
'If you build it....they will come....'
We sure as hell hope so. Community, especially community engrossed and engaged in a like passion, can be a powerful and special thing. We hope to build and attract that special community here.
So that's
my introduction. I'm a Dad, a son, a husband, a boss, a former Marine, a wannabe writer and blogger, a beermaker, and a cyclist.
And I am one obsessed Washington Redskin's fan.
It's damn good to meet you