I wondered where most of my favourite posters went


Nov 17, 2010
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I live in the warmest city in the coldest provinc
Alma Mater
and I have only found this forum because I have been banned from extremeskins for daring to ask why I was NNT'd after writing a thread during a game , during a quarter when we had just allowed 21 points in less than 8 minutes. this coming after I had been banned for a week for IMPROPERLY TITLING thread (after we lost to the lions I wrote a thread called " the saddest thing about yesterday" and detailed why I think the Lions are in a better position to be succsessful in the next few years).

I was one of the very first people on Extremeskins back in 2000, several of us got tired of the TSN flamefest and a couple guys built the first forum, I joined under my real name the first week but made a new acct about 3 weeks later because I was too much of a computer noob to change my name lol. I noticed that over the past few seasons it became more adversarial, to the point where people rarely discussed the post as much as the poster. im looking at the roster here and I realise that most of the people who posted that I enjoyed are here now.

I am pretty choked that I was banned permanently and that I had no recourse, but in all honesty, the atmosphere over there got worse when they opened it up, I know that sounds elitist but it was frustrating trying to sift through tonnes of garbage to get small nuggets of discussion. the majority of the posters there dont even read posts before chiming in, they barely even read the titles. I read a bunch of threads here before joining and I see more actual discussion, and more people being civil while disagreeing than I have seen on ES in a long time. I know this place isnt meant as competition, and I am hoping to get my acct at ES back but I think I will be staying here for a while no matter what.

I promise to try not to be too much of an asshat, key word being try.
so whats up nerds?
We're always glad to see an old friend. Stick around - we've got a great community growing here...
Hi Ryman - it's good to see you.

We really don't focus too much on other forums and simply enjoy the community that we have here. It was needed and a few dedicated individuals took the the time to create and build this place for our benefit.

In other words - it is home. :)
awesome, thanks Guys.

Sarge, you were one of the guys who I actually missed "over there" , it bothered me that people actually got banned just for asking why you wouldnt get unbanned, anyway good to see you, at least I wont be the only conservative warmonger here. lol
Welcome to the land of "how it should be"......take your banishment from that other place as a badge of honor, I wear mine proudly. Glad to have you here.
You got banned over there? I didn't know that. Tailgate's gonna be real boring now. :D

Anyways, welcome Ryman. We don't start insulting you until your third day. Board policy. :)
You got banned over there? I didn't know that. Tailgate's gonna be real boring now. :D

Anyways, welcome Ryman. We don't start insulting you until your third day. Board policy. :)

LOL I was extremely angry when it first happened because it was an obviously unfair ban and according to the ban page, its permanent, Ive said some stuff that should have gotten me temp banned before, but this time I was just asking why I had been NNt'd pretty much because a mod was pissy that we were getting hammered and it was pretty much happening exactly as I said it would. The problem I have always had over there in regards to people ebing perma banned is that they have no recourse if they arent facebook buddies with a mod, you cant even PM a mod to get someone to look into it. Ive seen some long time contributors and people who I personally enjoyed chatting with , get banned for what I considered to be unfair reasons, several times and it only got worse when it went "official"

Like I said in the title, I had wondered where most of my favourite posters had gone, in reality there are only a few guys left over there who I think of as intelligent informed fans and even they rarely post (except for Kdawg lol).

I also noticed that in the beginning the conservative people who had strong beliefs were in the majority, that is no longer the case, im friends with lots of hippy liberal types (im canadian after all) but at the other place it was getting pretty ridiculous with all the anti Israel stuff, I dont mind a good argument but when people dont even read the post and just chime in its brutal.

I feel rejuvenated with this place, im sure there will be disagreements but it has more of the feel of the old ES where you can joke, argue, and even good naturedly call out people without 500 knownothings freaking out.

Ive told a couple friends about it but I didnt want the asshats to fllood the joint im already here and we dont need too many more lol.

I dont know who all started this place, or what your ES name was, But thank you, Thank you very much.
Thank Boone (Tarhog) and OM. I too am grateful that they have provided an oasis on the iterwebz. And as BB pointed out, the only real "rule" is not to bash the "other place" or mention it too much. OTherwise, they're pretty cool, as far as Nazis go :)
I dont know who all started this place, or what your ES name was, But thank you, Thank you very much.

Boone (Tarhog), Om and Pravda (iheartskins) are the board founders. I believe Neophyte has joined them since as one of the admins. I'm just here for the food. :)
There's FOOD?!? Bastards! Holding out from the fat man, are ya?

Next you're gonna tell me there's a whole thread dedicated to boo, er, you-know-what's!

Posted via BGO Mobile Device
There's FOOD?!? Bastards! Holding out from the fat man, are ya?

Next you're gonna tell me there's a whole thread dedicated to boo, er, you-know-what's!

Posted via BGO Mobile Device

The food is great. Sorry that you've missed out so far. I had lots of fresh seafood last night.

And don't worry, we can be fully dedicated to booing you all day, every day.
I'd rather you be dedicated to boobing me.

I don't even know what that means, but it sounds FUN!

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