I have tomatoes


Dozens and dozens and dozens........

If you grown a garden, you know what the deal is

Put out two plants and they get a blight, or a storm blows them over or something happens and you have no tomatoes

So I put out 8 plants, and now have more sausa than I know what to do with:laugh:

Any good idea out there?
Canning tomatoes is very simple since they have so much acid in them - you don't even really need a pressure cooker, you can do them in a boiling pan with Ball jars. Easy.

Or even better. Eat those bad boys.

I never had this problem - I would have 30-40 plants and still they'd all get eaten :)
Like Boone said canning is a good way to go.

Or make a big batch of spaghetti sauce and freeze it for later.

Chilli is a good option.

Worst comes to worst you could either give them away to co-workers, friends, family

or set up a mini-roadstand and sell them (just make sure you put up a sign that they are on camera- helps with the honesty factor:betterwink:)
Canning tomatoes is very simple since they have so much acid in them - you don't even really need a pressure cooker, you can do them in a boiling pan with Ball jars. Easy.

Or even better. Eat those bad boys.

I never had this problem - I would have 30-40 plants and still they'd all get eaten :)

We've eaten soooo many tomatoes we're turning red:puke: :laugh:
Ball makes a great salsa mix. All you do is food process the tomatoes (you don't even have to take the skins off if you don't want to) and add the mix, then freeze it in gallon bags. Very easy way to get rid of lots of tomatoes.
I don't eat tomatoes, or tomato sauce or anything with tomatoes.

I have planted 1 plant in the past......and I swear there were 100 tomatoes on that plant just to spite me.
I don't eat tomatoes, or tomato sauce or anything with tomatoes.

I have planted 1 plant in the past......and I swear there were 100 tomatoes on that plant just to spite me.

Blondie- I am shocked... did you not read somewhere that ye shall reap what ye sow????

Bwahahaha! :elvis:
Like Boone said make some salsa. My wife grows tomatoes. I will grow peppers and cilantro. This time of year make a lot of salsa.

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