I can not stop watching this video

Looks like the love child of Mini Me and Richard Simmons

Damn, Sarge you made me spit on my laptop's screen. :rotflmao:

The kid does look...uh...a bit ...uh....unusual, I admit.

The song is killer though.

Yeah, they were wearing that disgusting Gints crap, but I gotta admit for a homemeade YouTube vid it ain't the worst I've seen.

Watching it over and over again...well, G. I don't really have anything to offer you there except it might be like one of those nasty commercial jingles that you hate but stick in your head for days anyway.

Maybe it will just go away on its own.

Cool video. Wish it had been players from the Nats.

Btw, this kid has a medical condition. Just so you know.

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