I’m very disappointed in you all….

Hog Fever

Vescere bracis meis
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Bryson City, NC
What the hell is wrong with you people? I’m sitting here at work trying to do as close to nothing as I can and YOU GUYS aren’t posting anything Redskin related that I can reply to. I keep checking back and time and time again you have all failed me.

I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves….and less than a month from the draft too. Your mother and I are very disappointed.
I know how ya feel, Hog. I normally don't do many initial posts-this is true on any forum I'm a member of-but wait for comments, questions, or whatever from other folks before I chime in, which is one major reason I haven't been posting much here Redskin-related lately. I think the "new" rumor-challenged, playing things close-to-the-vest approach Allen/Shanahan have adopted, although a refreshing change from the past, is inhibiting people from posting without simply re-hashing last week's news. There just isn't as much going on-and speculation for the sake of speculation is more fun in a soap-opera environment. Oh well, like you said the draft is approaching and maybe Shanny will pop a couple of surprises on us between now and then.

Damn, I never thought I'd miss the "drama" of Snyderatto. :yawnee:
ummmm. Sounds like a case of the Mondays.

(Best Office Space voice)
I, actually, have been quite busy today, which upsets my entire government routine. How the hell can the Feds expect me to work on a Monday? It's rEdiculous! I can't focus after the weekend until at least Tuesday. Wednesday I plan what I'm going to do the rest of the week, Thursday I work ALL day and of course Friday is a goof off day.


Sadly, I know quite a few people that keep that schedule, which runs afoul of my military upbringing.

I'll just say I'll be glad when draft day is here:)

Now go start an "Obama is and undocumented illegal space alien" thread so we can have something to talk about:)
The off season with the new staff has mellowed me out. But come the first mini camp in April, as well as the draft I will be here front and center.
Blah! Blah! Blah!
The three bird mascots of the Baltimore Ravens are named Edgar, Allan and Poe.
Hopefully things pick up closer to the draft
The three bird mascots of the Baltimore Ravens are named Edgar, Allan and Poe.
Pretty scary.

My only excuse is I was sure we were going to sign whoever it is for vet minimum?
OK, let's stir up some shiitake mushrooms, courtesy of PFT...


Talk mounts that Bradford won't sign a pre-draft contract
Posted by Mike Florio on March 29, 2010 7:55 PM ET
Amid reports that the Rams are talking to the agents for multiple players who could be the first overall pick in the 2010 draft, there's increasing chatter that, as to one of the players, there may not be much to discuss.

We're hearing from multiple league and media sources that Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford could refuse to sign a pre-draft contract with the Rams.

In the past four drafts, the only top pick not signed in advance of the commencement of the selection process was Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell. He ultimately held out into the regular season.

If Bradford declines to agree to terms before being picked, and if the Rams ultimately don't select him, Bradford would slide to the Redskins at No. 4, at worst. (He also could end up going second or third, if a team that needs a quarterback moves up.) Operating from the four hole, Bradford likely would then attempt to invoke the so-called "quarterback premium" in the hopes of getting more than the first overall pick, just as Matt Ryan did from the third spot two years ago.

You know the drill.....click on the link for the "rest of the story"
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You all know my stance on Okung.

That said, you've convinced me about Bradford. If he falls to #4 franchise QB trumps LT in this case.......take Bradford.

Outside of that Okung is still the guy IMO and hopefully you land a good QB later like Colt McCoy.
I cant see Bradford lasting until 4. Someone will jump up and grab him at 2 or 3 if the Rams don't grab him.
Yeah, I do not see Bradford lasting until #4. However, if he does, I really hope the Skins use this pick as trade bait. It would be a dream come true to see the Skins on the positive side in a trade situation. I really think we could rob some one here.

This is probably wishful thinking and I would kick myself if he ever became great. I was a fan of his until the shoulder injuries. But, once again, I think we can win with JC.

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