How NOT to get out of jury duty

Maybe he should have read Otto von Bismarck.

“Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.”

I think "Dick and Jane" are more his speed

My mom just got a thing for jury duty and my friend did, too.... I have NEVER been called up....and I want to!! I would love it. I would love to sit on some murderer's trial. That stuff fascinates me. Don't have to go to work either? I don't get why people don't like to do it.
My mom just got a thing for jury duty and my friend did, too.... I have NEVER been called up....and I want to!! I would love it. I would love to sit on some murderer's trial. That stuff fascinates me. Don't have to go to work either? I don't get why people don't like to do it.

I have been on jury duty several times.

Drug cases and one murder trial.

Before the murder trial, all of the popential jurors had to report and talk at length about our belief about capital punishment.

I was picked to be on this jury. Being an ex law enforcemnt officer, I always think I won't get picked. But I am.

This trial, an elderly lady befriended a young man and allowed him to do handy work around her home. He killed her, wrapped her body in plastic, and stuffed her between the studs in a wall. He then proceeded to sheetrock over the studs.

Those were truly 2 weeks I would have preferred to be somewhere else.

See, I would find that entrancing. If I weren't a teacher, I'd want to be a homicide detective.

That's crazy stuff, though.
My mom just got a thing for jury duty and my friend did, too.... I have NEVER been called up....and I want to!! I would love it. I would love to sit on some murderer's trial. That stuff fascinates me. Don't have to go to work either? I don't get why people don't like to do it.

I had it back in June. The whole month I got on one, ONE trial, and it was a civil case.

The other stuff, as soon as I mentioned the word "military" or the agency I work for now, POOF!

I was gone.

See, I would find that entrancing. If I weren't a teacher, I'd want to be a homicide detective.

That's crazy stuff, though.

I WAS a cop before I went into education.

I LOVE it!!

To this day I wonder where I would be if I had stayed in the profession.
I WAS a cop before I went into education.

I LOVE it!!

To this day I wonder where I would be if I had stayed in the profession.



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