


I used to post as Who Del on ES but don't really anymore (or ever, really). You guys have a nice site.

Eagles suck!

...and welcome aboard.
Hey, great to hear from you Who Del. Stick around. We got's a good thing going here. You won't be the only rival fan here. Sign up for NFL Pickem if you want - it's a great contest.
Sounds cool.

I missed out on Fantasy Football this year because I was too lazy to check around and see who was participating in a league. Be the first year I've missed out in a while. :(
Who Deezy in the house!!!

Welcome aboard, brother! I think you'll really enjoy it here. It sure as hell is good to see you again!

(Oh, and the Eagles still suck.) :)
Check with Lanky Livingston - I don't know if there's still a spot in our FF league here, but we draft Wed night.
Hiya Matt, enjoy the site, start posting Eagles stuff in the NFL Forum.

To get it started, you apparently are aware the Eagles Suck, but did you know Dallas does too?

Hiya Matt! Welcome to the family.

I'll never forget the call that you and Slack made to me on New Years' Eve a few years ago. You guys said if the numbers were posted, that you would call everyone. I did and thought 'yeah, right'.

Then I get this phone call and you guys were in crazy mode. I was thinking that ya'll wouldn't even remember half of the calls made within two days. Funny stuff.

Anyway - have fun in here.
The Eagles still suck, and the hype will make their failure this year hurt even worse for you, but hey - at least they aren't the Cowboys, and at least you're not Westy :laugh:

Welcome to the site though, good to have ya.
I missed out on Fantasy Football this year because I was too lazy to check around and see who was participating in a league. Be the first year I've missed out in a while. :(

Check with Lanky Livingston - I don't know if there's still a spot in our FF league here, but we draft Wed night.

PM sent...we can do 14 this year!
There goes the neighborhood.

Sweet. Thanks for the hospitality. The Dallas Sucks thread was in a moment of fury they may never be seen again. I haven't spewed that much vitriol at anything since. Well, maybe Andrew Walter Reid.

Anyway, I'm older now, less angsty and 3 years sober so the poster you knew as Who Del won't be here. You will get the real me. Not some caricature of my personality.

And LL thanks for the invite. I'M IN.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
All kidding aside---welcome to BGO brother. You're home here.
Congrats on your sobriety, Matt.

Good luck with the Dream Team this season. (Not really.)
Matt, when I suggested you join up I was figuring some variation of Who Del would show up, but the man I have seen you grow into showed up instead! I am so proud of you! You have joined one awesome community. I even got Megan to join, she's Miss Piggy!

Now go post some Sun Buffalo in the music recommendation thread over in the 5 O'Clock Club Forum.

Oh yeah guys, that's 2 referrals in the last month. :betterwink:
Just as long as nobody invites Larry, I'll be ok. I think he is the only person that could single-handedly bring down the morale and culture of this place. :D I know you see what I did there.
I was thinking about posting my music for people in here but was hesitant -- don't know why. Usually I'm not hesitant about that.

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