Help our fellow Redskins fans in uniform watch the games


The Starter
Jul 19, 2009
Reaction score
Wadsworth, Oh
Military Branch
Marine Corps
We need to help our fellow Skins fans watch the games this year. It is the least we can do! This is from the "other" site but that really does not matter. Vote often to make this happen.

Sorry guys and gals if you voted before 4 September your vote was thrown out as AFN rebooted the vote. The Skins-Giants Game has fallen behind because of this. If you vote now your vote will count. Thanks again for your support. Click link below.

Hey Redskins fans we deployed types need help in this. Last year the military Redskins fans got screwed over by the Saints fans and none of the deployed Redskins fans could watch the Skins play (They showed the Saints every week). Voting has already started for the week one game. Can ya'll help me to see at least one game (and maybe more). You can vote by going to the link below.
So I logged in (easy enough) and voted a bunch of times, to see if I could budge the percentages. I couldn't.

So either the site only really counts one vote per email address, or it's going to take hundreds of votes to catch up to the Chiefs/Bills (assuming the tally is done in real time).

But the good news is that the Chiefs/Bills is the only game leading us.

Good luck.
Voted. WTF, Buffalo Bills @ Kansas City Chiefs is killing. Is someone trying to sabotage our troops? Why would they want to watch that cluster-f*** of a game?
Voted. WTF, Buffalo Bills @ Kansas City Chiefs is killing. Is someone trying to sabotage our troops? Why would they want to watch that cluster-f*** of a game?

cuz their fans are doing the same thing we're trying to do...only better!!!
Buffalo wants to get a last look at their team before it moves to LA :laugh:
This shouldn't even BE a vote.

It's as simple as this. It's 9/11. DC vs. New York team in the Nation's Capital.

Seriously? It doesn't take a genius to figure out what to do.

And yeah, voted.
The Bills game won - BUT...

The Redskins game will on the network too. The voting for both must have been impressive enough to show both games.

Well done everyone.
Ahh, good ol' AFN. Home of four year old TV shows and lame commercials.OF course, when everything else is in a foreign language, it's better than nothing

ONe more vote

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