

The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
Anyone know any natural or homemade headache remedies? I am tired of putting drugs into my body and would rather do something natural if possible. I have discovered natural allergy relief and other stuff, but not something that works consistently for headaches.

Any suggestions?
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
You have nothing to offer me but expect me to give you help? Pshaw!


Freeze dried stinging nettles are terrific allergy relief. They come in these green pills/pellets and work fantastically well. Now, if I have a cold or severly congested, they don't work as well. But most of the time when i am fighting allergies, they work great.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Good question, Ren. Not sure, they seem to be different situations. This morning, I woke up at 3am with a splitting headache that I attributed to sinus difficulties last night. I took Excedrin and Advil to knock it out this morning, but like I say, I hate taking too many drugs.

Sometimes, I think I wait too long to eat lunch and get a headache, and I know sometimes I get stress headaches. For some reason, I am very susceptible to them.
You have nothing to offer me but expect me to give you help? Pshaw!


Freeze dried stinging nettles are terrific allergy relief. They come in these green pills/pellets and work fantastically well. Now, if I have a cold or severly congested, they don't work as well. But most of the time when i am fighting allergies, they work great.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

Thanks. I'm going to give those a try because my allergies can be really bad.

I had a really weird experience this spring. For several days I got so congested that I literally felt like I was suffocating. What I found out is that I got relief only when I was moving around. For example I drove to the health club all congested and simply walking the few yards from my car to the club cleared things up. Then it was ok during my workout until I got a call from one of my clients and had to sit and talk to them and I got congested. This happened for several days and then suddenly stopped. But I often get congested without having a cold but just not as bad as this one experience.

I also get headaches. (Maybe there’s a connection between the allergies and the headaches?) Then don’t follow any pattern. Sometimes they are sinus related, sometimes tension, sometimes they are migraine like. Sometimes the pain seems to be in my eye (or behind it.) And like you, I don’t like to take anything I don’t have to.

Oh and I would be remiss if I didn’t offer you some advice:

1. Don’t run with scissors.
2. Don’t actually expect the Redskins to win.
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Good question, Ren. Not sure, they seem to be different situations. This morning, I woke up at 3am with a splitting headache that I attributed to sinus difficulties last night. I took Excedrin and Advil to knock it out this morning, but like I say, I hate taking too many drugs.

Sometimes, I think I wait too long to eat lunch and get a headache, and I know sometimes I get stress headaches. For some reason, I am very susceptible to them.

stress headaches? stop surfing lib web sites....works for me!.....:claps:
It's either this :wall: or this :hammer:
if you rub the muscle between your thumb and first finger it is supposed to help relieve headache symptoms. it might be a mental thing but it works for me.

There could well be something to that, Mike. Though I don't know for sure. Accupuncture works, or at least everything I've read would indicate that, so it's entirely possible. (Of course, accupuncture could be a placebo effect as well, so who knows.)

My mom has a good friend who's big into holistic healing and natural remedies. Really, it's a lot of stuff that I don't understand, but I'll say this. She cooked for her dog (one of the puppies from the schnauzer I had as a kid) and the thing lived 21 years (147 dog years.) And she's 60, and looks literally 35-40.

Unfortunately, I don't know any of the details of what she does, or uses. But I sure as hell won't snicker at alternative therapies/natural foods & remedies.

One of the things that she swears by is this.......fungus that grows in a jar on her kitchen counter. The thing makes some kind of liquid that she drinks, and she says it's a real live fountain of youth. But if it takes fungus juice to live forever, I'll just go ahead and enjoy my natural lifespan, thanks. :laugh:
I've heard the hand thing before; I've never tried it though. Hot shower usually works for me for "lesser" headaches - turn the water as hot as you can stand it, and just let it run over your head for like 10-20 minutes.

Other than that, hair of the dog, bro! :)
Good question, Ren. Not sure, they seem to be different situations. This morning, I woke up at 3am with a splitting headache that I attributed to sinus difficulties last night. I took Excedrin and Advil to knock it out this morning, but like I say, I hate taking too many drugs.

Sometimes, I think I wait too long to eat lunch and get a headache, and I know sometimes I get stress headaches. For some reason, I am very susceptible to them.

Yea I asked bc the biggest cause for me is dehydration or hunger - both issues which are easily addressed without medicine.

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